
Using functional dependency to eliminate type parameter

我正在尝试实现一个 Parsec Stream 包装器,它会记住最后一个 uncons 的标记,以提供一些后视功能。我希望包装器适用于任何 Stream 实例。这是我目前所拥有的:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module MStream where

import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad ( liftM )

data MStream s t = MStream (Maybe t) s

instance Stream s m t => Stream (MStream s t) m t where
  uncons (MStream _ s) = fmap (\(t, s') -> (t, MStream (Just t) s')) `liftM` uncons s

getPrevToken :: Stream s m t => ParsecT (MStream s t) u m (Maybe t)
getPrevToken = (\(MStream t _) -> t) `liftM` getInput

mstream :: s -> MStream s t
mstream = MStream Nothing

这可行,但我不喜欢必须在 MStream 类型构造函数中携带 t 参数。当然,只需要 s 参数就足够了,因为 t 可以从 s 派生,只要有 Stream s m t 的见证。我尝试过使用类型族和 GADT,但我一直 运行 陷入关于模棱两可的类型变量和不满足的函数依赖性的模糊错误。

有没有办法从 MStream 类型构造函数中删除 t 这样我就不必写:

sillyParser :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT (MStream s Char) u m String
sillyParser = do
  t <- getPrevToken
  maybe (string "first") (\c -> string $ "last" ++ [c]) t

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module MStream where

import Control.Monad ( liftM )

-- Class so we don't need to carry `m` in `MStream` definition.
class StreamDep s t | s -> t where
class StreamDep s t => Stream s m t where
  uncons :: s -> m (Maybe (t, s))

data MStream s = forall t. StreamDep s t => MStream (Maybe t) s

data ParsecT s u m a = ParsecT s u (m a)
instance Monad m => Monad (ParsecT s u m) where

getInput :: ParsecT s u m s
getInput = undefined

instance StreamDep s t => StreamDep (MStream s) t where

instance (Monad m, Stream s m t) => Stream (MStream s) m t where
  uncons (MStream _ s) = fmap (\(t, s') -> (t, MStream (Just t) s')) `liftM` uncons s

getPrevToken :: (Monad m, Stream s m t) => ParsecT (MStream s) u m (Maybe t)
getPrevToken = (\(MStream t _) -> t) `liftM` getInput

mstream :: StreamDep s t => s -> MStream s


    Could not deduce (t1 ~ t)
    from the context (Monad m, Stream s m t)
      bound by the type signature for
                 getPrevToken :: (Monad m, Stream s m t) =>
                                 ParsecT (MStream s) u m (Maybe t)
      at Pars.hs:27:17-76
    or from (StreamDep s t1)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 MStream :: forall s t. StreamDep s t => Maybe t -> s -> MStream s,
               in a lambda abstraction

然而,通过使用上下文 Stream s m tStreamDep s t1 应该很明显 (t ~ t1).


getPrevToken :: (Monad m, Stream s m t) => ParsecT (MStream s) u m (Maybe t)
getPrevToken = (\(MStream t _) -> unsafeCoerce t) `liftM` getInput

但我不能尝试这个,因为它需要修改 parsec


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

module MStream where

import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad ( liftM )

class Stream s m t => MStream s m t | s -> t where
  getPrevToken :: ParsecT s u m (Maybe t)

data MStreamImpl s t = MStreamImpl (Maybe t) s

instance Stream s m t => MStream (MStreamImpl s t) m t where
  getPrevToken = (\(MStreamImpl t _) -> t) `liftM` getInput

instance Stream s m t => Stream (MStreamImpl s t) m t where
  uncons (MStreamImpl _ s) = fmap (\(t, s') -> (t, MStreamImpl (Just t) s')) `liftM` uncons s

mstream :: s -> MStreamImpl s t
mstream = MStreamImpl Nothing

sillyParser :: MStream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
sillyParser = do
  t <- getPrevToken
  maybe (string "first") (\c -> string $ "last" ++ [c]) t

我没有尝试从 MStream 中删除类型参数,而是将 MStream 变成了一个类型类,带有规范实例 MStreamImpl。所以现在,只需将 Stream 上下文替换为 MStream 上下文,即可以更紧凑的方式编写 sillyParser 类型签名。