Python 嵌套的 for 循环没有在两个循环中正确迭代

Python nested for loop is not iterating properly through both loops

我正在尝试遍历 'datasets' 的集合以及 'domains' 的集合。这个想法是将第一个数据集与第一个域配对,将第二个数据集与第二个域配对,依此类推。最终我想在地图上绘制这些数据集中的变量。我尝试使用嵌套的 for 循环,但它拒绝循环遍历数据集列表或域列表。这最终导致程序一遍又一遍地在同一个域上绘制同一个数据集。相关代码在这里:

# This extracts files and directories out of the path
arr = os.listdir(path)

# Create list for WRF output files (since files in case directories are separated by time; i.e. 12Z, 13Z, 14Z)
wrf_out = []

# For loop to fill list with WRF output files from case directory
for file in arr:
    # os.path.join is REQUIRED because it joins the file to the path; otherwise you'll get the file name with NO data
    filepath = os.path.join(path, file)

# Sort WRF output files chronologically

# Test to make sure you have the right case/mpscheme/res/vert
#ds = Dataset(wrf_out[0])

# Basic NWS colors for reflectivity
dbz_contour_levels = np.arange(0,80.,5.)
# Taken from UCAR MMM/COD NEXLAB Archive Mosiac's table
dbz_colors = ("#00ffff", "#0080ff", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", "#00c000", "#00800a", "#ffff00", "#ffc000", "#ff8000",
              "#ff0000", "#c00000", "#800000", "#ff00ff", "#8d67cd", "#000000")

domain_2015_06_03 = [[-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], 
                     [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], 
                     [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], 
                     [-108.714, -101.222, 40.776, 45.348], [-105.858, -98.827, 41.373, 45.840], [-105.858, -98.827, 41.373, 45.840], [-104.012, -95.882, 40.843, 45.902], 
                     [-104.012, -95.882, 40.843, 45.902], [-104.012, -95.882, 40.843, 45.902], [-104.012, -95.882, 40.843, 45.902], [-104.012, -95.882, 40.843, 45.902], 
                     [-101.222, -94.564, 40.007, 46.389], [-101.222, -94.564, 40.007, 46.389], [-100.738, -92.081, 39.972, 46.721], [-100.738, -92.081, 39.972, 46.721], 
                     [-100.738, -92.081, 39.972, 46.721]]

# For loop to get variables, create levels, plot
for i in range(len(wrf_out)):
    # For loop to create a shifting domain for higher resolution of variables
    for j in domain_2015_06_03:
        lonmin = j[0]
        lonmax = j[1]
        latmin = j[2]
        latmax = j[3]
        zoom_domain = [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
        # Get dataset
        ds = Dataset(wrf_out[i])
        # Get WRF Variables
        theta_2m = getvar(ds, 'TH2')
        t_pert = getvar(ds, 'T')
        # wspd_10m is for divergence and arrows
        wspd_10m = getvar(ds, 'uvmet10', units='m s-1')
        # wind_10m is for contour
        wind_10m = getvar(ds, 'uvmet10_wspd_wdir', units='m s-1')[0,:]
        lat = getvar(ds, 'lat')
        lon = getvar(ds, 'lon')
        # mdbz is for reflectivity
        mdbz = getvar(ds, 'mdbz')

        # Calculate components and wrf lat lons
        wrf_lat, wrf_lon = latlon_coords(mdbz)
        wrf_lons = to_np(wrf_lon)
        wrf_lats = to_np(wrf_lat)
        x = wrf_lon.values
        y = wrf_lat.values
        # u_comp and v_comp are for divergence
        u_comp = wspd_10m[0,:,:]
        v_comp = wspd_10m[1,:,:]
        # u and v are for arrows
        u = u_comp.values
        v = v_comp.values

        # Get grid deltas
        #dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(lon, lat)

        # Calculate divergence
        #div = mpcalc.divergence(u_comp, v_comp, dx=dx, dy=dy)

        # Just need values for calculating contour levels; otherwise error thrown for values with dimensions
        #div_vals = div.values

        # Create theta levels
        max_level_theta = np.max(theta_2m)
        min_level_theta = np.min(theta_2m)
        step_level_theta = 1.0
        theta_levels = np.arange(min_level_theta, max_level_theta + step_level_theta, step_level_theta)

        # Create wind levels and ticks
        max_level = np.round(np.max(wind_10m))
        min_level = np.round(np.min(wind_10m))
        step_level = 0.5
        wind_levels = np.arange(min_level, max_level + step_level, step_level)
        wind_ticks = wind_levels

        # Normalize u and v components for quiver plot if desired
        u_norm = u / np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        v_norm = v / np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)

        # Timestamp
        timestamp = to_np(mdbz.Time).astype('M8[s]').astype('O').isoformat()
        time = mdbz.Time
        time_str = str(time.values)

        # Get CRS
        crs = get_cartopy(wrfin=ds)

        # Create a 4 panel image with four colorbars
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,15))
        #gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, width_ratios = [0.05, 1, 1, 0.05], height_ratios = [1, 1], hspace=0.10, wspace=0.20)
        #ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1], projection=crs)
        #ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 2], projection=crs)
        #ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1], projection=crs)
        #ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 2], projection=crs)
        #cax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
        #cax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,3])
        #cax3 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
        #cax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1,3])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, projection=crs)
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2, projection=crs)
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3, projection=crs)
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, projection=crs)

        # Top Left Plot - Reflectivity
        dbz_contour = ax1.contourf(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, mdbz, colors=dbz_colors, levels=dbz_contour_levels, zorder=3,


        colorbar_dbz = fig.colorbar(dbz_contour, ax=ax1, orientation='vertical')
        colorbar_dbz.set_label('dBZ', fontsize=12)
        ax1.set_title('Composite Reflectivity (dBZ) '+ time_str[:19])

        # Top Right Plot - 2m Theta
        theta_contour = ax2.contour(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, theta_2m, levels=theta_levels, linewidths=0.9, colors='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        theta_contourf = ax2.contourf(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, theta_2m, levels=theta_levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap('coolwarm'))


        colorbar_theta = fig.colorbar(theta_contourf, ax=ax2, orientation='vertical')
        colorbar_theta.set_label(r"$\theta$ (K)", fontsize=12)
        ax2.set_title('2-meter Potential Temperature (K) '+ time_str[:19])

        # Bottom Left Plot - Divergence
        #div_contour = ax3.contour(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, div, colors='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        #div_contourf = ax3.contourf(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, div, cmap=get_cmap('jet'), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())


        #colorbar_div = fig.colorbar(div_contourf, ax=ax3, orientation='vertical')
        #colorbar_div.set_label('Divergence (1/s)', fontsize=12)
        ax3.set_title('Surface Divergence (1/s) ' + time_str[:19])

        # Bottom Right Plot - 10m Wind Speed and Direction
        wind_contour = ax4.contour(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, wind_10m, levels=wind_levels, colors='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        wind_contourf = ax4.contourf(wrf_lons, wrf_lats, wind_10m, levels=wind_levels, cmap=get_cmap('rainbow'), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        wind_quiver = ax4.quiver(x, y, u_norm, v_norm, pivot='middle', scale=25, width=0.005, color='black', regrid_shape=42.5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())


        colorbar_wind = fig.colorbar(wind_contourf, ax=ax4, orientation='vertical')
        colorbar_wind.set_label('Wind Speed (m/s)', fontsize=12)
        ax4.set_title('Wind Speed and Direction ' + time_str[:19])


不要担心左下角的坐标轴,或者某些图像左侧的白色 space。

我该怎么做才能解决这个问题?除了嵌套的 for 循环之外,还有更好的方法吗?感谢您的帮助!

两个嵌套的 for 循环不会完成您描述的目标。您说您想“将第一个数据集与第一个域配对,第二个数据集与第二个域配对,依此类推”,但是对于嵌套循环,它会改为尝试第一个数据集 every域,然后对每个域尝试第二个 datsaset,依此类推。如果有 10 个数据集和 10 个域,这将产生 100 个图。

听起来您想使用单个循环。您的 for i in range(len(wrf_out)): 循环看起来不错。但是,然后您想使用 i 作为域列表的索引,这样当 i 为 0 时,您将使用数据集 0 和域 0,然后当 i为 1,您将使用数据集 1 和域 1,依此类推。


 for i in range(len(wrf_out)):
     domain = domain_2015_06_03[i]
     lonmin = domain[0]
     lonmax = domain[1]
     latmin = domain[2]
     latmax = domain[3]