TypeError: role.setPermissions is not a function even though TypeScript says it is
TypeError: role.setPermissions is not a function even though TypeScript says it is
我正在创建一个循环遍历服务器中所有角色的命令,removes/adds 一个选定的权限(如果可以的话)。将鼠标悬停在它上面会显示函数的描述。
async execute(client, msg, args, cooldowns, guildForPre, prefix) {
if(msg.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_ROLES")) {
let roles = (await msg.guild.roles.fetch()).cache;
let highPos = getRoleByMention(args[1], msg.guild)?.position || msg.guild.roles.highest.position
let lowPos = getRoleByMention(args[2], msg.guild)?.position || msg.guild.roles.everyone.position
roles = roles.filter(r => r.permissions.has(args[0]))
roles = roles.filter(r => r.position <= highPos && r.position >= lowPos)
let replaced = ''
for await (const [, role] of roles) {
if(role.position >= msg.guild.me.roles.highest.position || role.position >= msg.member.roles.highest.position) continue;
await role.setPermissions(role.permissions.remove(args[0]))
(replaced.length) ? replaced += `, ${role.name}` : replaced += `${role.name}`
msg.channel.send("Replaced roles: " + replaced)
function getRoleByMention(mention, guild) {
const id = mention.slice(3, mention.length-1)
return guild.roles.cache.get(id)
m.removeRolePerm MANAGE_MESSAGES @Dyno @Dyno
是因为他们是同一个角色吗? docs 表示这是一个有效的函数。我正在使用 v12.
await role.setPermissions(role.permissions.remove(args[0]))
if (replaced.length) replaced += `, ${role.name}`
else replaced += `${role.name}`
我正在创建一个循环遍历服务器中所有角色的命令,removes/adds 一个选定的权限(如果可以的话)。将鼠标悬停在它上面会显示函数的描述。
async execute(client, msg, args, cooldowns, guildForPre, prefix) {
if(msg.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_ROLES")) {
let roles = (await msg.guild.roles.fetch()).cache;
let highPos = getRoleByMention(args[1], msg.guild)?.position || msg.guild.roles.highest.position
let lowPos = getRoleByMention(args[2], msg.guild)?.position || msg.guild.roles.everyone.position
roles = roles.filter(r => r.permissions.has(args[0]))
roles = roles.filter(r => r.position <= highPos && r.position >= lowPos)
let replaced = ''
for await (const [, role] of roles) {
if(role.position >= msg.guild.me.roles.highest.position || role.position >= msg.member.roles.highest.position) continue;
await role.setPermissions(role.permissions.remove(args[0]))
(replaced.length) ? replaced += `, ${role.name}` : replaced += `${role.name}`
msg.channel.send("Replaced roles: " + replaced)
function getRoleByMention(mention, guild) {
const id = mention.slice(3, mention.length-1)
return guild.roles.cache.get(id)
m.removeRolePerm MANAGE_MESSAGES @Dyno @Dyno
是因为他们是同一个角色吗? docs 表示这是一个有效的函数。我正在使用 v12.
await role.setPermissions(role.permissions.remove(args[0]))
if (replaced.length) replaced += `, ${role.name}`
else replaced += `${role.name}`