armx 文件中 duplicaterecords 属性的可能值是什么

What are the possible values for the duplicaterecords attribute in armx files

我正在寻求自动导入以补救 ARS 8.1,我已经达到了 99.9999%...我只需要更改导入对重复记录的处理方式,因为其他一切似乎都在正常工作想要。

在修复armx文件(dataimporttool的映射文件)中,有一个<datahandling>节点具有duplicaterecords属性,BMC文档中的the only documentation I can find on it mentions the value GEN_NEW_ID, which would logically map to the "Generate New ID for Duplicate Records" option in the GUI import tool. I need the value to logically map to the "Update Old Record with New Record's Data" GUI option (both of these options and the other three possible options are described on the Defining Data Import preferences页面。

除了那一页(Importing in...),以及我拥有的所有补救文档中完全相同段落的几个本地版本,Google 什么也没找到。请告诉我有人在某处有此信息!

通过从 GUI 保存 .armx 文件,我在 <datahandling> 标签中找到 duplicaterecords 属性的以下选项和值。

Title                                      Value in .armx file
Generate New ID for All Records            GEN_NEW_ID
Reject Duplicate Records                   DUP_ERROR
Generate New ID for Duplicate Records      DUP_NEW_ID
Replace Old Record with New Record         DUP_OVERWRITE
Update Old Record with New Record's Data   DUP_MERGE