IndexError: list index out of range - API

IndexError: list index out of range - API

您好,我正在根据 Opensea API 生成随机 data to csv 文件。问题是我受到 API 上列表大小的限制。有办法解决这个问题吗?


r = requests.get(' birds&order_direction=asc&offset=' + (str(x)) + '&limit=1')
jsonResponse = r.json()
name = jsonResponse['assets'][0]['name']
description = jsonResponse['assets'][0]['description']
print('Name: ' + name)
print('Description: ' + str(description))


Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 1855, in <module>
name = jsonResponse['assets'][0]['name'] IndexError: list index out of range

使用 API 时,最好先检查请求是否成功,然后再访问响应。您可以先调用 r.raise_for_status() 并处理错误情况。然后在访问列表之前,先检查它是否不为空。

r = requests.get(...)
    r.raise_for_status()  # Check if the request was successful
    jsonResponse = r.json()  # Check if the response is in JSON format
except requests.HTTPError, JSONDecodeError:
    # Handle error scenario
    if jsonResponse['assets']:  # Check first if there are assets returned
        # Proceed as usual
        name = jsonResponse['assets'][0]['name']
        description = jsonResponse['assets'][0]['description']
    else:  # This means that the assets are empty. Depending on your use case logic, handle it accordingly.
        # Handle empty assets scenario