如何在使用 kendo ui jquery 排序后保存 table 订单行顺序?我不知道如何将订单保存到数据库中

How to save table order row order after reordering it using kendo ui jquery? I dont know how to save the order into the database

// Kendo table sortable
var kendoSortable = grid.table.kendoSortable({
    filter: ">tbody >tr",
    hint: function (element) { // Customize the hint.
        var table = $('<table style="width: 600px;" class="k-grid k-widget"></table>'),

        table.append(element.clone()); // Append the dragged element.
        table.css("opacity", 0.7);

        return table; // Return the hint element.
    cursor: "move",
    placeholder: function (element) {
        return $('<tr colspan="4" class="placeholder"></tr>');
    change: function (e) {
        var skip = grid.dataSource.skip(),
            oldIndex = e.oldIndex + skip,
            newIndex = e.newIndex + skip,
            data = grid.dataSource.data(),
            dataItem = grid.dataSource.getByUid(e.item.data("uid"));

        grid.dataSource.insert(newIndex, dataItem);


考虑将 change 事件用于 Sortable 小部件。此事件为已移动的项目提供 oldIndexnewIndex 位置。


change 事件触发表示项目已排序并且项目在 DOM 中的位置已更改。查看下面的 change 事件,我正在将网格当前页面的数据项放入 currentGridView。然后我使用 slice() 方法获取 oldIndexnewIndex 之间的项目。然后我调用 updateSequence 函数。

updateSequence函数创建一个数组来存储要传递给服务器的对象。这些对象基于 DataSequenceModel class。基本上,我只需要知道重新订购的每件商品的 ID 和新序列。在此之后,我使用基本的 Ajax POST 将数据发送到服务器。

Index.cshtml - 这是一个 dojo based on Telerik's Integration - Grid 演示并更新了我的更改。

<div id="grid"></div>

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
            // ...Basic grid setup

            filter: ">tbody >tr",
            hint: $.noop,
            cursor: "move",
            placeholder: function(element) {
                return element.clone().addClass("k-state-hover").css("opacity", 0.65);
            container: "#grid tbody",
            change: function (e) {
                // Get the indexes and data items that have been reordered.
                var skip = grid.dataSource.skip(),
                    oldIndex = e.oldIndex + skip,
                    newIndex = e.newIndex + skip;

                var currentGridView = grid.dataSource.view();
                var dataChanged = currentGridView.slice(oldIndex, newIndex + 1);
                updateSequence(oldIndex, dataChanged);

    function updateSequence(startIndex, dataChanged) {
        // Create array to be passed to Controller. Based on DataSequenceModel class.
        let data = [];
        let newSequence = startIndex;
        for (var i = 0; i < dataChanged.length; i++) {
            data.push({ Id: dataChanged[i].ProductID, NewSequence: newSequence });

            type: "POST",
            url: 'https://localhost:44395/Test/UpdateSequence',
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: JSON.stringify(data),
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (e) {


public class TestController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public bool UpdateSequence(IEnumerable<DataSequenceModel> data)
        // ...Logic to update sequence in database.
        return true;


public class DataSequenceModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int NewSequence { get; set; }