为什么这个变量是 'String?' 类型,即使删除了任何空检查?

Why this variable is type 'String?' even when any null check was removed?

我想用 dart 包存储一个令牌 shared_preferences(仅用于测试目的),并进行 dart 改造以发出 http 请求,但是当使用 _testToken.setString(key, token) 时, dart 在令牌处弹出错误 (_testToken.setString(key, token)): The argument type 'String?' can't be assigned to the参数类型 'String',我从改造令牌响应中删除了任何 null safe 以寻找解决方案,但我遇到了同样的错误,除此之外,dart 还显示另一个错误,说我应该添加 null safe到令牌响应,如果我用它来存储 shared_preferences.



class ResponseData {

  @JsonKey(name: 'status')
  final int? statusCode;

  Map<String, String> data;

  ResponseData({this.data, this.statusCode}); // Here I had required on data and removed it

  factory ResponseData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ResponseDataFromJson(json);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ResponseDataToJson(this);


主要改造 http 文件:

part 'rest_api_service.g.dart';

@RestApi(baseUrl: "")
abstract class RestClient {

  factory RestClient(Dio dio, {String? baseUrl}) = _RestClient;

  @Headers(<String, dynamic> {
    "Cache-Control" : "max-age=0",
    "Data-Agent" : "EMMappV2",
    "content-type" : "multipart/form-data",
    "accept" : "application/json"

  Future<ResponseData> loginUser( // here using the ResponseData
      @Field("email") String email,
      @Field("password") String password,
      @Field("device_name") String deviceName



  await client.loginUser(email, password, deviceName).then(
          (value) => {
            variabl = value.data["token"],
            // _storage.write(key: "token", value: value.data["token"]),  Does not work on web version
            _testToken.setString('token', value.data["token"]), // here the call with the error

            if (value.statusCode == 200 ) {

问题是 Dart 静态分析无法确定您在 value.data 映射中有一个有效的 "token" 键,其值不可为空 value.data["token"]

解决方法是使用 ! bang 运算符将此值标记为不可为 null。

_testToken.setString('token', value.data["token"]!),

The Map index operator is nullable

This isn’t really a change, but more a thing to know. The index [] operator on the Map class returns null if the key isn’t present. This implies that the return type of that operator must be nullable: V? instead of V

这是因为 data['value'] 不能保证实际 return 映射中的值(键不存在,并且由于 Map/HashMap 接口,抛出不是一个好方法选项)所以即使您知道所有值都不为空,您也不知道在运行时哪些键 return 不是空值。

检查 Map class



class ResponseData {

  @JsonKey(name: 'status')
  final int? statusCode;

  final String token;
  //final String userName; //and other stuff inside your map

  ResponseData({this.token, this.userName, this.statusCode}); // Here I had required on data and removed it

  factory ResponseData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ResponseDataFromJson(json);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ResponseDataToJson(this);


现在您的 Response 数据实际上会将所有参数都保存为非空并且 Dart 不会为您检查它(除非地图实际上没有这些值,然后 fromJson 将抛出并且您将明白为什么 Map 实际上不是一种检查非空的推荐方法)