在 'For each x' 循环中偏移 x

Offset the x in a 'For each x' loop

我现在很绝望。 :(

我在 sheet 的专栏中有一个活动列表。在另一个 sheet 中,我有另一个活动列表,其中一些与第一个 sheet 中列表中的条目相匹配。该代码遍历第一个列表并在第二个列表中找到匹配项。然后它检查这个匹配项有多少个输出,如果有多个输出,它会在第一个数据列表中添加另一行,就在该列表最后一个检查的单元格的下方。在该新行上,应写入基于第二个输出的条目。如果有进一步的输出,则添加另一个新行等,直到不再有相同 activity 的输出。然后它将继续第一个列表中的下一个 activity。因此,下一个 activity 单元格应移动,并在检查期间额外添加行数。



For Each a In activity_list
    previousAddress = 0
    If flagOffset > 0 Then
        If rows_to_offset <> 0 Or flagsame > 0 Then
            Set canda = a.Offset(rows_to_offset, 0) 'check if the offset is enough
            If canda.Row <= lastR Then
                Set a = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(lastR + 1, 3) 'if not enough, go to the last result populated row
             Set a = canda
             End If
        rows_to_offset = 0
        End If
    End If

    activityRow = a.Row
    activityValue = a.Value
   If activityValue <> 0 And Not activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
        Set found_act_match = activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues)
        Set range_to_search_for_outputs = Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(found_act_match.Row, 2), Cells(found_act_match.Row, 500))
        If Not range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", lookat:=xlPart, lookin:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext) Is Nothing Then
            Set found_output = range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", lookin:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
            If found_output.Column <> 1
            firstAddress = found_output.Address
        … do something with the output value…
                ' Then take the found output from the match and take its status from the Sheet1:
                previousAddress = found_output.Address
                If op <> "" Then       
                    If Not op_list.Find(op, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
                        Set found_output_match = op_list.Find(op, lookin:=xlValues)
                        op_result = Cells(found_output_match.Row, "Y").Value
                            If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "" Then
                                Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "? " & Format(op_result, "Percent")
                                lastR = Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Row
                            End If
                            If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "" Then
                                Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
                                lastR = Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset, "Y").Row
                            End If
                    End If

                    Set another = range_to_search_for_outputs.Find("o", after:=found_output, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
                    If Not another Is Nothing And another.Address <> found_output.Address Then 'if there is another output for the same activity, go to its output and continue as above
                            If another.Address <> firstAddress Then
                                Set found_output = another
                                If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + rows_to_offset + 1, "C").Value <> activityValue Then 'if there isn't another row for the same activity yet
                                    Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(activityRow + 1).Insert
                                    Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow + 1, "C").Value = activityValue
                                    rows_to_offset = rows_to_offset + 1
                                    flagOffset = flagOffset + 1
                                flagsame = flagsame + 1 'if there is already another row for the same activity
                                rows_to_offset = rows_to_offset + 1
                               End If
                            End If
                    End If
                End If
            Loop While (found_output.Address <> previousAddress) And (found_output.Address <> firstAddress)
            End If
            Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow, "Y").Value = "no Output"
            lastR = Cells(activityRow, "Y").Row
          End If
   ElseIf activity_to_match_list.Find(activityValue, lookin:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(activityRow, "Y").Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
    lastR = Cells(activityRow, "Y").Row
   ElseIf a.Offset(1, 0).Value <> 0 Then
    Set a = a.Offset(1, 0)
   End If
   Set … to Nothing
   Next a

原则上使用字典,键为 sheet2 activity,值为 activity 的行号集合。向下扫描 sheet1 并使用字典查找匹配的行。沿匹配行搜索带有“o”的单元格并将值复制回 sheet1 列 Y(根据需要插入行)。

Sub FindOutputs()

    Const COL_OUT = "Y"

    Dim wb As Workbook, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range, fnd As Range, sFirst As String
    Dim dict As Object, key, count As Integer
    Dim iLastRow As Long, i As Long, n As Long

    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook

    ' sheet 2 - Activities to Search in Column A
    Set ws2 = wb.Sheets("Sheet2")
    iLastRow = ws2.Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 1 To iLastRow
        key = Trim(ws2.Cells(i, "A"))
        If Len(key) > 0 Then
            If Not dict.exists(key) Then
                ' collection holds row numbers for each activity
                dict.Add key, New Collection
            End If
            dict(key).Add CStr(i) ' add row
        End If
    ' sheet 1 - Activities in column A
    Set ws1 = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set cell = ws1.Range("A1")
    Do While Len(cell.value) > 0
        key = Trim(cell.Value)
        count = 0
        ' does activity exist on sheet2?
        If dict.exists(key) Then
            n = dict(key).count
            ' loop through matching rows
            For i = 1 To n
                r = dict(key).Item(i)
                ' search along the row for "o"
                Set rng = ws2.Cells(r, "B").Resize(1, 500)
                Set fnd = rng.Find("o", lookat:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
                If Not fnd Is Nothing Then
                     sFirst = fnd.Address
                     ' do something with output value
                         count = count + 1
                         If count > 1 Then
                            ' insert row
                            cell.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert _
                            Set cell = cell.Offset(1)
                            cell.Value = key
                         End If
                         ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = fnd.Value
                         Set fnd = rng.FindNext(fnd)
                     Loop While fnd.Address <> sFirst
                End If
            If count = 0 Then
                ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = "No Output"
            End If
            ws1.Range(COL_OUT & cell.Row).Value = "Nothing in Sheet1"
        End If
        Set cell = cell.Offset(1)
    MsgBox "Done"
End Sub