新的 Firefox 更新书签工具栏(显示更多书签)|双 Space 问题
New Firefox Update Bookmarks Toolbar (Show more bookmarks) | Double Space Problem
我将我的 firefox 更新到最新版本:
Version 92.0
现在在书签工具栏(显示更多书签)中,我有一个关于书签之间双 Space 的问题。
但是我在 fiefox 配置文件文件夹中找不到任何 userChrome.css
我该如何解决双重 space 问题?
试试 browser.proton.contextmenus.enabled > false(禁用上下文菜单的 Proton UI)
请指导我解决此问题,而无需在 css.
您必须自己创建文件(和文件夹),并启用 about:config 中的设置以告诉 Firefox 它应该应用它。从 https://twitter.com/myfonj/status/1387584962354982912 :
回收 howto 以启用和轻松调试
如何通过 9 个步骤检查 Firefox UI、进行更改并在重新启动后保留它们:
1。启用 userChrome.css
访问 about:config,搜索“.styles”并切换 toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets
2。启用UI 调试
打开 ≡ 菜单 > 更多工具 > Web 开发者工具 > ⚙ 设置 > 高级并勾选
(或按 F12,然后按 F1)
- [✓]“启用浏览器 chrome 和附加调试工具箱”
- [✓]“启用远程调试”
3。获取您的 Firefox 用户的位置 <profile folder>
启动 ≡ 菜单 > 更多工具 > 浏览器工具箱
(或按 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I)
6.切换到样式(sheet) 编辑器。
8。尝试规范 * { color: red !important; }
9。另存为 <profile folder>\chrome\userChrome.css
(10.) 完成。现在您可以关闭工具箱和 Firefox 而不会丢失您宝贵的调整。
有一个关于此问题的 Mozilla 错误:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1722368
修复 FireFox 中的菜单双倍间距
FireFox 中的下拉菜单采用双倍行距已有一段时间了。这可能非常烦人,因为它需要更多的滚动才能看到菜单内容,而不是必要的。本文档描述了如何覆盖此“功能”。
您可以将此归咎于 Mozilla 的某些天才,他们认为这是个好主意。在 FireFox 91+ 之前,您可以使用一种方法来覆盖这种闪光。这是通过设置
browser.proton.enabled = 假
在 about:config FireFox 页面上
从 FireFox 91+ 开始;这不再有效。显然是同一个天才再次出击。现在需要将下面的代码添加到默认@namespace 行下方的 userChrome.css 文件中,并且需要在 about:config 页面中设置一个参数。稍后会详细介绍。
menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu {padding-top: 2px !important; padding-bottom: 2px !important;}
*|*:root {--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 2px 8px !important;}
FYI: References to ‘Chrome’ you will see throughout this document have nothing to do with Google’s Chrome browser.
The following assumes you will be creating a new userChrome.css file and latching it into FireFox. Modifying an existing userChrome.css file should become self-evident once you navigate to your FireFox profile folder. Three basic steps are required.
• Creating a directory for the userChrome.css file.
• Creating the userChrome.css file
• Latching the userChrome.css file into FireFox
Creating a Directory for userChrome.css
The userChrome.css file lives in a directory in your FireFox profile called ‘chrome’ (all lower case). You will need to create this directory if not already there.
In FireFox, click on the hamburger in the upper right corner and open the "Help -> More Troubleshooting Information" page. Then find the button to open your profile folder in the Application Basics Section.
[Ope Profile Folder][2]
Pressing this button will bring up File Explorer opened to your profile folder .
Create a folder and name it ‘chrome’, all lower case, and navigate into it. Leave the File Explorer open for now.
[Profile Folder][3]
Creating userChrome.css
If there is not a userChrome.css file already available; you can use the code provided to create one. When copying the code from above; you need to paste into a simple text editor such as NotePad, and save it from there. This will eliminate any unprintable Word formatting characters that may be in the original.
There is a chance your editor will have a hard time navigating to the ‘chrome’ directory you just created. Especially if ‘AppData’ in the path to your ‘chrome’ folder is hidden. Save the text in your editor using “Save File As”, to a file named ‘userChrome.css’ on your desk top. Case is important.
Now drag ‘userChrome.css’ from the desk top to the open ‘chrome’ folder in File Explorer.
Latching userChrome.css into FireFox
Making FireFox aware of the new userChrome requires a preference to be set. In particular, parameter “toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets” needs to be set to “true”.
To do this enter “about:config” in the address bar, press return, and accept the risks.
Be aware messing with the parameters can be like fooling around with the control rods in a nuclear reactor. One slip up can result in a meltdown. Don’t mess with any of the other parameters unless you know what you are doing.
[Accept Risk Button][4]
Enter “toolkit.legacy” in the search that comes up and press return.
Now press the double arrow to set this parameter to ‘true’
[setting parameter][5]
The parameter is set as soon as you change it. There is no “Save” or “Update” button to press.
You are all set. Sign out of FireFox and back in. (I also reset my machine as a placebo measure.) Display your book marks. They should be single spaced.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/NH6Lr.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/obBKD.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/qjJXJ.png
[4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CnUec.png
[5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iap1C.png
我将我的 firefox 更新到最新版本:
Version 92.0
现在在书签工具栏(显示更多书签)中,我有一个关于书签之间双 Space 的问题。
但是我在 fiefox 配置文件文件夹中找不到任何 userChrome.css
我该如何解决双重 space 问题?
试试 browser.proton.contextmenus.enabled > false(禁用上下文菜单的 Proton UI)
请指导我解决此问题,而无需在 css.
您必须自己创建文件(和文件夹),并启用 about:config 中的设置以告诉 Firefox 它应该应用它。从 https://twitter.com/myfonj/status/1387584962354982912 :
回收 howto 以启用和轻松调试如何通过 9 个步骤检查 Firefox UI、进行更改并在重新启动后保留它们:
1。启用 userChrome.css
访问 about:config,搜索“.styles”并切换 toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets
2。启用UI 调试
打开 ≡ 菜单 > 更多工具 > Web 开发者工具 > ⚙ 设置 > 高级并勾选 (或按 F12,然后按 F1)
- [✓]“启用浏览器 chrome 和附加调试工具箱”
- [✓]“启用远程调试”
3。获取您的 Firefox 用户的位置 <profile folder>
查看路径 about:support#profile-行
启动 ≡ 菜单 > 更多工具 > 浏览器工具箱 (或按 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I)
6.切换到样式(sheet) 编辑器。
8。尝试规范 * { color: red !important; }
9。另存为 <profile folder>\chrome\userChrome.css
(10.) 完成。现在您可以关闭工具箱和 Firefox 而不会丢失您宝贵的调整。
有一个关于此问题的 Mozilla 错误:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1722368
修复 FireFox 中的菜单双倍间距
FireFox 中的下拉菜单采用双倍行距已有一段时间了。这可能非常烦人,因为它需要更多的滚动才能看到菜单内容,而不是必要的。本文档描述了如何覆盖此“功能”。
您可以将此归咎于 Mozilla 的某些天才,他们认为这是个好主意。在 FireFox 91+ 之前,您可以使用一种方法来覆盖这种闪光。这是通过设置
browser.proton.enabled = 假
在 about:config FireFox 页面上
从 FireFox 91+ 开始;这不再有效。显然是同一个天才再次出击。现在需要将下面的代码添加到默认@namespace 行下方的 userChrome.css 文件中,并且需要在 about:config 页面中设置一个参数。稍后会详细介绍。
menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu {padding-top: 2px !important; padding-bottom: 2px !important;}
*|*:root {--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 2px 8px !important;}
FYI: References to ‘Chrome’ you will see throughout this document have nothing to do with Google’s Chrome browser.
The following assumes you will be creating a new userChrome.css file and latching it into FireFox. Modifying an existing userChrome.css file should become self-evident once you navigate to your FireFox profile folder. Three basic steps are required.
• Creating a directory for the userChrome.css file.
• Creating the userChrome.css file
• Latching the userChrome.css file into FireFox
Creating a Directory for userChrome.css
The userChrome.css file lives in a directory in your FireFox profile called ‘chrome’ (all lower case). You will need to create this directory if not already there.
In FireFox, click on the hamburger in the upper right corner and open the "Help -> More Troubleshooting Information" page. Then find the button to open your profile folder in the Application Basics Section.
[Ope Profile Folder][2]
Pressing this button will bring up File Explorer opened to your profile folder .
Create a folder and name it ‘chrome’, all lower case, and navigate into it. Leave the File Explorer open for now.
[Profile Folder][3]
Creating userChrome.css
If there is not a userChrome.css file already available; you can use the code provided to create one. When copying the code from above; you need to paste into a simple text editor such as NotePad, and save it from there. This will eliminate any unprintable Word formatting characters that may be in the original.
There is a chance your editor will have a hard time navigating to the ‘chrome’ directory you just created. Especially if ‘AppData’ in the path to your ‘chrome’ folder is hidden. Save the text in your editor using “Save File As”, to a file named ‘userChrome.css’ on your desk top. Case is important.
Now drag ‘userChrome.css’ from the desk top to the open ‘chrome’ folder in File Explorer.
Latching userChrome.css into FireFox
Making FireFox aware of the new userChrome requires a preference to be set. In particular, parameter “toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets” needs to be set to “true”.
To do this enter “about:config” in the address bar, press return, and accept the risks.
Be aware messing with the parameters can be like fooling around with the control rods in a nuclear reactor. One slip up can result in a meltdown. Don’t mess with any of the other parameters unless you know what you are doing.
[Accept Risk Button][4]
Enter “toolkit.legacy” in the search that comes up and press return.
Now press the double arrow to set this parameter to ‘true’
[setting parameter][5]
The parameter is set as soon as you change it. There is no “Save” or “Update” button to press.
You are all set. Sign out of FireFox and back in. (I also reset my machine as a placebo measure.) Display your book marks. They should be single spaced.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/NH6Lr.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/obBKD.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/qjJXJ.png
[4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CnUec.png
[5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iap1C.png