如何防止 history.back() 到 return 回到外部网站?

How to prevent history.back() to return back to external website?

所以我正在尝试使用 onclick="history.back()" 制作后退按钮。但问题是,当我使用外部 link 进入我的网站并按下后退按钮时,它会将我带回到上一个外部页面。我知道它已被编程为这样做。但是有什么办法可以防止它把用户带回外部网站吗?

一种方法是在 sessionStorage 中存储您首次访问该页面时收到的 history.length 值。


// To be executed on all the pages of your domain

// check if we already saved it
let min_index = sessionStorage.getItem("minHistoryIndex");
// otherwise
if (min_index === null) {
  // store it
  min_index = history.length;
  sessionStorage.setItem("minHistoryIndex", min_index);
// first time we come to this history status
if (!history.state ) {
  history.replaceState({ index: history.length }, "");

const button = document.querySelector("button");
// if we reached the limit saved in sessionStorage
if (history.state.index === +min_index) {
  button.disabled = true;
  button.title = "Going back once more would take you out of our website";
else {
  button.onclick = (evt) => history.back();

Live demo - source
