如何在使用 io.write 时使用条件语句来操作信息?

How can I use conditional statements to manipulate information while using io.write?


   print("Choose a character")
   print("1. the rocker")
   print("2. the vocalist")
   print("3. the drummer")
   print("4. the bassist")

然后我使用 io.write 函数让玩家在角色 1 和 4 之间做出选择。我将选择保存在 menu_option 变量中。我知道我必须添加一些错误处理代码,但我现在并不担心

io.write('Which character do you choose?')
menu_option = io.read()


if menu_option == 1 then
character = ("the rocker")

elseif menu_option == 2 then
character = ("the vocalist")

elseif menu_option == 3 then
character = ("the drummer")

elseif menu_option == 4 then
character = ("the bassist")

这是我的代码开始失败的地方。写入函数正确地将选择(从 1 到 4)写入 menu_option 变量,但我的 if 语句块未正确运行。字符变量保持为零。


错误是 io.read() 总是返回一个字符串。
您在 if 条件中期望一个数字。
现在你必须更正每一个如果像@Egor 在评论中写的那样或者做...

menu_option = tonumber(io.read())

...然后让 if' 检查数字

之后你可以在 NaN(不是数字)或什么都不输入(即只命中 RETURN/ENTER)的情况下做...

io.write('Which character do you choose? ')
local menu_option = tonumber(io.read())

if menu_option == empty then menu_option = math.random(4) end
-- empty == nil but better (human) readable



-- File: character.lua
local character = ''
print("Choose a character:")
print("[1] the rocker")
print("[2] the vocalist")
print("[3] the drummer")
print("[4] the bassist")

io.write('Which character do you choose? ')
local menu_option = tonumber(io.read())

if menu_option == empty then menu_option = math.random(4) end

if menu_option == 1 then
 character = "the rocker"
elseif menu_option == 2 then
 character = "the vocalist"
elseif menu_option == 3 then
 character = "the drummer"
elseif menu_option == 4 then
 character = "the bassist"

print('You choosed:',character:upper())

-- Possible return values...
-- return character:upper(), menu_option -- Two values: first=string second=number
-- return os.exit(menu_option) -- Number can examined on bash with ${?}
-- ^-> Example: lua character.lua || printf '%d\n' ${?}