jenkins 的 codepipeline 是一个好的解决方案吗?
Is codepipeline with jenkins a good solution?
如果我们在创建管道一个月后使用任何管道,那么每个管道的成本为 1 美元,并且我们有 400-500 个 api 端点,我们必须为每个端点创建管道,是代码管道与詹金斯一个好的解决方案? As shown here
您已经在使用 Jenkins 了吗?根据您分享的 link,请记住您支付的是 运行 Jenkins 服务器
的 EC2 实例
如果你是新手,你可以使用 CodeBuild 作为构建服务器,它会提供更好的长期成本,因为你只需要在 CodeBuild 是 运行
相关 pricing of the CodePipeline,
AWS CodePipeline 每个活动管道每月收费 1.00 USD:
An active pipeline is a pipeline that has existed for more than 30 days and has at least one code change that runs through it during the month. There is no charge for pipelines that have no new code changes running through them during the month. An active pipeline is not prorated for partial months.
如果我们在创建管道一个月后使用任何管道,那么每个管道的成本为 1 美元,并且我们有 400-500 个 api 端点,我们必须为每个端点创建管道,是代码管道与詹金斯一个好的解决方案? As shown here
您已经在使用 Jenkins 了吗?根据您分享的 link,请记住您支付的是 运行 Jenkins 服务器
的 EC2 实例如果你是新手,你可以使用 CodeBuild 作为构建服务器,它会提供更好的长期成本,因为你只需要在 CodeBuild 是 运行
相关 pricing of the CodePipeline,
AWS CodePipeline 每个活动管道每月收费 1.00 USD:
An active pipeline is a pipeline that has existed for more than 30 days and has at least one code change that runs through it during the month. There is no charge for pipelines that have no new code changes running through them during the month. An active pipeline is not prorated for partial months.