如何使用 hdf5 文件中的一维数组并对它们执行减法、加法等操作?

How to use 1D-arrays from hdf5 file and perform operations such as subtraction, addition etc. on them?


array([(b'2P1', b'aP1', 2, 37.33,  4.4 , 3.82),
   (b'3P2', b'aP2', 3, 18.74, -9.67, 4.85),
   (b'4P2', b'aP2', 4, 55.16, 74.22, 4.88)],

如您所见,它们与字符串混合在一起。我无法按元素访问它们,例如,如果我想从第二行中减去第一行,只使用带有浮点数的列,我不能那样做!!有什么办法可以做到这一点?这是 hdf5 文件 data file 的 link。下面是读取 hdf5 文件的代码:

import numpy as np
import h5py

with h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'r') as hdff:
    base_items = list(hdff.items())
    print('Items in the base directory: ', base_items)
    dat1 = np.array(hdff['particles/lipids/positions/dataset_0001'])
    dat2 = np.array(hdff['particles/lipids/positions/dataset_0002'])
In [188]: f = h5py.File('../Downloads/xaa.h5')
In [189]: f
Out[189]: <HDF5 file "xaa.h5" (mode r)>
In [194]: f['particles/lipids/positions'].keys()
Out[194]: <KeysViewHDF5 ['dataset_0000', 'dataset_0001', 'dataset_0002', 'dataset_0003', 'dataset_0004', 'dataset_0005', 'dataset_0006', 'dataset_0007', 'dataset_0008', 'dataset_0009']>
In [196]: f['particles/lipids/positions/dataset_0000'].dtype
Out[196]: dtype([('col1', 'S7'), ('col2', 'S8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<f8'), ('col5', '<f8'), ('col6', '<f8')])

我怀疑这是一个结构化数组。 https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/basics.rec.html

In [202]: arr[0]
Out[202]: (b'1P1', b'aP1', 1, 80.48, 35.36, 4.25)
In [203]: arr['col1'][:10]
array([b'1P1', b'2P1', b'3P2', b'4P2', b'5P3', b'6P3', b'7P4', b'8P4',
       b'9P5', b'10P5'], dtype='|S7')


In [204]: arr[['col4','col5','col6']][:10]
array([(80.48,  35.36, 4.25), (37.45,   3.92, 3.96),
       (18.53,  -9.69, 4.68), (55.39,  74.34, 4.6 ),
       (22.11,  68.71, 3.85), (-4.13,  24.04, 3.73),
       (40.16,   6.39, 4.73), (-5.4 ,  35.73, 4.85),
       (36.67,  22.45, 4.08), (-3.68, -10.66, 4.18)],
      dtype={'names':['col4','col5','col6'], 'formats':['<f8','<f8','<f8'], 'offsets':[23,31,39], 'itemsize':47})

但是要将这些字段视为二维数组,我们需要使用 recfunctions 实用程序:

In [198]: import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf

In [205]: rf.structured_to_unstructured( arr[['col4','col5','col6']][:10])
array([[ 80.48,  35.36,   4.25],
       [ 37.45,   3.92,   3.96],
       [ 18.53,  -9.69,   4.68],
       [ 55.39,  74.34,   4.6 ],
       [ 22.11,  68.71,   3.85],
       [ -4.13,  24.04,   3.73],
       [ 40.16,   6.39,   4.73],
       [ -5.4 ,  35.73,   4.85],
       [ 36.67,  22.45,   4.08],
       [ -3.68, -10.66,   4.18]])

上面的答案是一个很好的方法,但您不必使用 recfunctions。知道数据集的 dtype 和形状后,您可以创建一个空数组并通过使用字段切片表示法读取感兴趣的数据来填充,如上面的答案所示。

这是执行该操作的代码。 (因为我们知道您正在读取 3 个浮点数并且浮点数是 np.empty() 的默认数据类型,所以我没有费心从数据集中获取字段数据类型——如果您需要对整数或字符串进行切片,添加起来很容易字段。)

with h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'r') as hdf:
    grp = hdf['particles/lipids/positions']
    ds1 = grp['dataset_0000']
    nrows = ds1.shape[0]
    arr = np.empty((nrows,3))
    arr[:,0] = ds1['col4'][:]
    arr[:,1] = ds1['col5'][:]
    arr[:,2] = ds1['col6'][:]


[[ 80.48  35.36   4.25]
 [ 37.45   3.92   3.96]
 [ 18.53  -9.69   4.68]
 [ 55.39  74.34   4.6 ]
 [ 22.11  68.71   3.85]
 [ -4.13  24.04   3.73]
 [ 40.16   6.39   4.73]
 [ -5.4   35.73   4.85]
 [ 36.67  22.45   4.08]
 [ -3.68 -10.66   4.18]]