JavaScript 循环中的异步调用 - Apache Cordova

Async call in JavaScript Loop - Apache Cordova

我有一组联系人从我的数据库返回,我需要检查它们是否在设备上,然后 save/update 设备上的联系人。问题是 cordova 中的 navigator.contacts.find(fields, findSuccess, findError, options); 调用是异步的。

我遇到的问题是 for 循环将使用新数据 onSuccess 被触发之前进行下一次迭代。这意味着它将尝试 save/update 使用相同的数据两次或根本没有数据。

$scope.syncContacts = function () {

        var table = AzureService.getTable('contact'); (results) {
            console.log("Results: ", results);
            for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
                    //create a contact object to save or update
                    var emails = [];
                    var phoneNumbers = [];
                    var name = new ContactName();
                    var contactToUpdate = navigator.contacts.create();
                    contactToUpdate.note = results[i].id;
                    name.givenName = results[i].firstname;
                    name.familyName = results[i].lastname;
                    phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('mobile', results[i].mobilephone, true);
                    phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('home', results[i].homephone, false);
                    emails[0] = new ContactField('work', results[i].email, true);
           = name;
                    contactToUpdate.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
                    contactToUpdate.emails = emails;

                    //Search for the contact on the device
                    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
                    options.filter = results[i].id;
                    options.multiple = false;
                    var fields = ["*"];
                    navigator.contacts.find(fields, foundSuccess, foundError, options);

                    function foundSuccess(contact) {
                        if (contact.length > 0) {
                   = contact[0].id;
                            contactToUpdate.rawId = contact[0].rawId;
                            contactToUpdate.phoneNumbers[0].id = contact[0].phoneNumbers[0].id;
                            contactToUpdate.phoneNumbers[1].id = contact[0].phoneNumbers[1].id;
                            contactToUpdate.emails[0].id = contact[0].emails[0].id;
                            console.log('about to save this', contactToUpdate);
                  , upError);
                            function upSuccess() {
                                console.log('updated a contact!');
                            function upError(ContactError) {
                                console.log('error updating a contact!');
                        else {
                            //The contact does not exist on the device. Just save it.
                            console.log('non existent contact: ', contactToUpdate);
                  , SaveError);
                            function saveSuccess() {
                                console.log('saved a contact!');
                            function SaveError() {
                                console.log('error saving a contact!');
                    function foundError() {
                        alert('Contact search failed: Undeleted Contact Search');

我的问题是,我该如何处理?我的想法是可能使用 forEach 因为返回的是一个数组。


更改为 forEach 循环解决了这个问题