值两侧的测量单位的正则表达式 (200 g/g 200)

Regex for measuraments unit on both sides of the value (200 g/g 200)



/\d*\.?,?\d+\s?(kg|g|l)/gi 匹配

ABC 200g
EFG 5,4 Kg
HIL 2x20l

(kg|g|l)\s?\d+,?\.?d* 匹配:

ABC g200
EFG kg 5,4
HIL l 20x2


ABC g200
EFG 5,4 Kg

使用不区分大小写的模式,匹配可选的 kgl 以及交替 | 以匹配其他方式的模式。

可选的点和逗号可以在一个字符中 class [.,]? 否则 .?,? 也可以同时匹配 .,

单词边界 \b 防止单元后的部分匹配。


Regex demo



Online demo for above regex

解释: 为以上添加详细解释。

(?:                                     ##Starting 1st capturing group from here.
  (?:                                   ##Starting 2nd capturing group from here.
     (?:\d+)g|(?:g\d+)                  ##Matching either digits followed by g OR g followed by digits(both conditions in non-capturing groups here).
  )                                     ##Closing 2nd capturing group here.
  |                                     ##Putting OR condition here.
  (?:                                   ##Starting 3rd capturing group here.
     (?:l\s*\d+)|(?:\d+\s*l)            ##Matching eiter l followed by 0 or more spaces followed by digits OR digits followed by 0 or more spaces followed by l.
  )                                     ##Closing 3rd capturing group here.
  |                                     ##Putting OR condition here.
  (?:                                   ##Starting 4th capturing group here.
     (?:\d+,\d+\s*Kg)|(?:kg\s*\d+,\d+)  ##Checking either digits followed by comma digits spaces Kg OR kg spaces digits comma digits here.
  )                                     ##Closing 4th capturing group here.
)                                       ##Closing 1st capturing group here.