Lumia Imaging SDK 图像混合创建分隔线
Lumia Imaging SDK image blending creates separation lines
我正在尝试使用 Lumia 成像 SDK 的 JpegTools.BlendAsync()
附上我的代码。我在逻辑上做错了什么还是这是 SDK 中的错误?
async private static Task<IBuffer> CreateTile(IBuffer jpegSource, IReadableBitmap bitmapSource, Size tileSize, Size bgSize)
int outBgWidth = (int)bgSize.Width;
int outBgHeight = (int)bgSize.Height;
int tileWidth = (int)tileSize.Width;
int tileHeight = (int)tileSize.Height;
int currentBgWidth = 0;
int currentBgHeight = 0;
Point blendPosition = new Point(0, 0);
while (currentBgHeight < outBgHeight)
while (currentBgWidth < outBgWidth)
jpegSource = await JpegTools.BlendAsync(jpegSource, bitmapSource, blendPosition);
blendPosition.X += tileWidth;
currentBgWidth += tileWidth;
blendPosition.Y += tileHeight;
currentBgHeight += tileHeight;
currentBgWidth = 0;
blendPosition.X = 0;
return jpegSource;
正如评论中所讨论的那样,我建议采用另一种方法:使用更多 "standard" 渲染链,而不是使用 JpegTools。
int outBgWidth = (int)bgSize.Width;
int outBgHeight = (int)bgSize.Height;
int tileWidth = (int)tileSize.Width;
int tileHeight = (int)tileSize.Height;
int currentBgWidth = 0;
int currentBgHeight = 0;
Point blendPosition = new Point(0, 0);
using (var backgroundCanvas = new ColorImageSource(new Size(outBgWidth, outBgHeight), Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0))) //Create a black canvas with the output size.
using (var tileSource = new BitmapImageSource(bitmapSource))
using (var renderer = new JpegRenderer(backgroundCanvas))
while (currentBgHeight < outBgHeight)
while (currentBgWidth < outBgWidth)
var blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
blendEffect.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Normal;
blendEffect.GlobalAlpha = 1.0;
blendEffect.Source = renderer.Source;
blendEffect.ForegroundSource = tileSource;
blendEffect.TargetArea = new Rect(blendPosition, new Size(0, 0)); //Since we are PreservingSize the size doesn't matter. Otherwise it must be in relative coordinate space!
blendEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveSize;
renderer.Source = blendEffect;
currentBgWidth += tileWidth;
blendPosition.X = (double)currentBgWidth / (double)outBgWidth; //Careful, the target area is in relative coordinates
currentBgHeight += tileHeight;
blendPosition.Y = (double)currentBgHeight / (double)outBgHeight; //Careful, the target area is in relative coordinates
blendPosition.X = 0.0;
currentBgWidth = 0;
var result = await renderer.RenderAsync(); //An IBuffer containing the Jpeg file
我正在尝试使用 Lumia 成像 SDK 的 JpegTools.BlendAsync()
附上我的代码。我在逻辑上做错了什么还是这是 SDK 中的错误?
async private static Task<IBuffer> CreateTile(IBuffer jpegSource, IReadableBitmap bitmapSource, Size tileSize, Size bgSize)
int outBgWidth = (int)bgSize.Width;
int outBgHeight = (int)bgSize.Height;
int tileWidth = (int)tileSize.Width;
int tileHeight = (int)tileSize.Height;
int currentBgWidth = 0;
int currentBgHeight = 0;
Point blendPosition = new Point(0, 0);
while (currentBgHeight < outBgHeight)
while (currentBgWidth < outBgWidth)
jpegSource = await JpegTools.BlendAsync(jpegSource, bitmapSource, blendPosition);
blendPosition.X += tileWidth;
currentBgWidth += tileWidth;
blendPosition.Y += tileHeight;
currentBgHeight += tileHeight;
currentBgWidth = 0;
blendPosition.X = 0;
return jpegSource;
正如评论中所讨论的那样,我建议采用另一种方法:使用更多 "standard" 渲染链,而不是使用 JpegTools。
int outBgWidth = (int)bgSize.Width;
int outBgHeight = (int)bgSize.Height;
int tileWidth = (int)tileSize.Width;
int tileHeight = (int)tileSize.Height;
int currentBgWidth = 0;
int currentBgHeight = 0;
Point blendPosition = new Point(0, 0);
using (var backgroundCanvas = new ColorImageSource(new Size(outBgWidth, outBgHeight), Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0))) //Create a black canvas with the output size.
using (var tileSource = new BitmapImageSource(bitmapSource))
using (var renderer = new JpegRenderer(backgroundCanvas))
while (currentBgHeight < outBgHeight)
while (currentBgWidth < outBgWidth)
var blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
blendEffect.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Normal;
blendEffect.GlobalAlpha = 1.0;
blendEffect.Source = renderer.Source;
blendEffect.ForegroundSource = tileSource;
blendEffect.TargetArea = new Rect(blendPosition, new Size(0, 0)); //Since we are PreservingSize the size doesn't matter. Otherwise it must be in relative coordinate space!
blendEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveSize;
renderer.Source = blendEffect;
currentBgWidth += tileWidth;
blendPosition.X = (double)currentBgWidth / (double)outBgWidth; //Careful, the target area is in relative coordinates
currentBgHeight += tileHeight;
blendPosition.Y = (double)currentBgHeight / (double)outBgHeight; //Careful, the target area is in relative coordinates
blendPosition.X = 0.0;
currentBgWidth = 0;
var result = await renderer.RenderAsync(); //An IBuffer containing the Jpeg file