如何增加 Azure 云服务经典版中的磁盘存储

How to increase disk storage in Azure Cloud Service classic

在一个旧项目中,我们仍然使用云服务(经典),我想增加 本地磁盘 F 的大小。现在磁盘大小为 2 GB,我找不到任何增加它的方法。



编辑:我意识到你在谈论 approot 驱动器(E/F 驱动器)而不是临时磁盘

approot 驱动器(E/F 驱动器)已修复,无法修改。有关此驱动器的更多信息和限制,请参阅 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-services/cloud-services-configuration-and-management-faq#why-does-the-drive-on-my-cloud-service-vm-show-very-little-free-disk-space-

The %approot% drive size is calculated as <size of .cspkg + max journal size + a margin of free space>, or 1.5 GB, whichever is larger. The size of your VM has no bearing on this calculation. (The VM size only affects the size of the temporary C: drive.) 

It is unsupported to write to the %approot% drive. If you are writing to the Azure VM, you must do so in a temporary LocalStorage resource (or other option, such as Blob storage, Azure Files, etc.). So the amount of free space on the %approot% folder is not meaningful. If you are not sure if your application is writing to the %approot% drive, you can always let your service run for a few days and then compare the "before" and "after" sizes. 

Azure will not write anything to the %approot% drive. Once the VHD is created from your .cspkg and mounted into the Azure VM, the only thing that might write to this drive is your application.


云服务 VM 中的本地磁盘大小由您在 .csdef 文件中定义的 VM 大小控制:

<WorkerRole name="Worker1" vmsize="Standard_D2">

有关不同尺寸的选项,请参阅 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-services/cloud-services-sizes-specs