在 Javascript 中多次使用反引号

Multiple use of backticks within Javascript

我在使用反引号时遇到了一些问题,我想知道是否有人可以帮助我。我有下面的代码,它允许我输出多个响应。问题是,当我在 target="_blank">here` 后加上逗号时,它不允许我添加更多的短语。我曾尝试在反引号之前使用退格键来打破它,但没有成功。这是我的代码,我正在使用 Javascript 和 HTML.

function talk(){
var know ={
        "How does this work":"I can help you find what you're looking for.",
        "how does this work":"I can help you find what you're looking for.",        

        "contact":`You can contact us by clicking <a href='https://addressname.com' target="_blank">here</a>` 

var user = document.getElementById('userBox').value;
document.getElementById('chatLog').innerHTML = user + "<br>";
if(user in know){
    document.getElementById('chatLog').innerHTML = know[user] + "<br>";
    document.getElementById('chatLog').innerHTML = "I do not understand.";



"How does this work":"I can help you find what you're looking for.",
        "how does this work":"I can help you find what you're looking for.",        

        "contact":`You can contact us by clicking <a href='https://addressname.com'target="_blank">here</a>`,
        "help":`You can find help by clicking <a href='https://addressname.com'target="_blank">here</a>`

如你所知" & '的使用应该是一一对应的

属性值周围的双引号在 HTML 中最常见,但也可以使用单引号。

<p title='John "ShotGun" Nelson'>


<p title="John 'ShotGun' Nelson">

如果中间有额外的符号,您可以在它们之前使用 \ 反斜杠,这样它们就不会干扰代码并被视为这样的符号:

<p title="John \'ShotGun\' Nelson you\'re a good\bad person">
John 'ShotGun' Nelson 你是 good\bad 人

Refer to this for more about backslash