具有 2 个不同数据对象的 Vega-lite 堆积条形图

Vega-lite Stacked bar chart with 2 different data objects

我正在尝试在 Vega lite 中模拟 power BI 的行为,如果您根据同一日期添加 2 个数据对象,则可以将数据堆叠在一起。

我在 power BI 中使用 Deneb,但它使用 vega lite,所以任何 vega lite 解决方案都应该没问题。



将两个数据集组合成单个堆积条形图的方法是在制作标准条形图之前使用 lookup transform to join the datasets together. If you want to then stack bars from different columns, you can use a fold transform 将它们组合起来。

例如(open in vega editor):

  "datasets": {
    "table-1": [
      {"key": "A", "A": 2},
      {"key": "B", "A": 3},
      {"key": "C", "A": 1},
      {"key": "D", "A": 2}
    "table-2": [
      {"key": "A", "B": 6},
      {"key": "B", "B": 4},
      {"key": "C", "B": 1},
      {"key": "D", "B": 3}
  "data": {"name": "table-1"},
  "transform": [
      "lookup": "key",
      "from": {"data": {"name": "table-2"}, "key": "key", "fields": ["B"]}
    {"fold": ["A", "B"], "as": ["column", "value"]}
  "mark": "bar",
  "encoding": {
    "color": {"field": "column", "type": "nominal"},
    "x": {"field": "value", "type": "quantitative"},
    "y": {"field": "key", "type": "nominal"}