如何在 Microstream 中正确使用 BinaryHandler 来存储 volatile 数组?

How to use BinaryHandler correctly in Microstream to store volatile array of longs?

我尝试使用 Microstream 存储 Eclipse Collection 的 LongArrayList (https://www.eclipse.org/collections/),但由于它的“项目”字段是瞬态的,所以无法立即使用。

所以我所做的是创建一个新的 class PersistableLongArrayList,如下所示:

public class PersistableLongArrayList extends LongArrayList {
    static BinaryTypeHandler<PersistableLongArrayList> provideTypeHandler() {
        return Binary.TypeHandler(PersistableLongArrayList.class,
                list -> list.size, 
                (list, value) -> list.size = value
                long[].class, "items", 
                list -> list.items, 
                (list, value) -> list.items = value

从存储的实例加载时,项目字段现在不为空,但是如果我之后更改值并调用 storage.store(list),关闭数据库并重新启动它,则不会存储新值,只有大小存储正确。


public class SimpleTest {
    private PersistableLongArrayList root;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            SimpleTest t = new SimpleTest();
            // DB erstellen
            EmbeddedStorageManager storage = t.startDB();
            // modify the list
            t.root.add(t.root.size() + 1);
            // stop DB
            // restart DB
            storage = t.startDB();
            // show root element
            // Observed behavior: list "grows" from s.th. like this: [1] to s.th. like this [1, 0, 0, 0] after several runs (Probably only size grows and is stored correctly and therefore the fields up to "size" are printed but empty)
            // Expected beahvior: list starts with [1] and grows to something like this [1, 2, 3, 4] after several runs
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        } finally {

    private EmbeddedStorageManager startDB() {
        EmbeddedStorageManager storageManager = EmbeddedStorage.start();
        if(storageManager.root() == null) {
            PersistableLongArrayList list = new PersistableLongArrayList();
            root = list;
        } else {
            root = (PersistableLongArrayList)storageManager.root();
        return storageManager;

    private void stopDB(EmbeddedStorageManager storageManager) {

可能我只是误解了如何正确使用自定义 BinaryHandler,但我现在不知道要更改什么。 任何建议表示赞赏:)

亲切的问候, 托马斯

使用自定义 PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluator 和 PersistenceFieldEvaluator 可以直接保存 LongArrayList:

public class PersistenceFieldEvaluatorCustom implements PersistenceFieldEvaluator {

    public boolean applies(final Class<?> entityType, final Field field) {

        //return true if field should be persisted, false if not
        if(entityType == org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.LongArrayList.class && field.getName().equals("items")) {
            return true;

        //default: return false if field has the transient modifier
        return !XReflect.isTransient(field);
public class PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluatorCustom implements PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluator {

    public boolean isEagerStoring(final Class<?> t, final Field u) {

        //return true if field should be persisted at every store
        if(t == org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.LongArrayList.class && u.getName().equals("items")) {
            return true;
        return false;


final EmbeddedStorageManager s = EmbeddedStorage.Foundation()
                        c->{ c.setFieldEvaluatorPersistable(new PersistenceFieldEvaluatorCustom());
                             c.setReferenceFieldEagerEvaluator(new PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluatorCustom());


有关更多详细信息,请参阅 https://github.com/microstream-one/microstream/discussions/247