
How to convert tera::Error to actix_web::Error?

我正在研究 rust/actix/tera,但不知道如何在 tera::Error 上实现 ResponseError 特征,或者如何实现将 tera::Error 转换为 actix_web::Error.


match TEMPLATES.render("index.html", &ctx) {
    Ok(s) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().body(s)),
    Err(e) => Err(e),


mismatched types

expected struct `actix_web::Error`, found struct `tera::Error`rustc(E0308)
main.rs(71, 23): expected struct `actix_web::Error`, found struct `tera::Error`


match TEMPLATES.render("index.html", &ctx) {
    Ok(s) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().body(s)),
    Err(e) => Err(e.into()),


the trait bound `tera::Error: actix_web::ResponseError` is not satisfied

the trait `actix_web::ResponseError` is not implemented for `tera::Error`

note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::convert::From<tera::Error>` for `actix_web::Error`
note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::convert::Into<actix_web::Error>` for `tera::Error`rustc(E0277)
main.rs(71, 25): the trait `actix_web::ResponseError` is not implemented for `tera::Error`


use actix_web::{get, post, web, error, Error, ResponseError,
    HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer,
    App, Responder};
use tera::{Tera, Context};
use tera;

impl ResponseError for tera::Error {}


only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types

impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate

note: define and implement a trait or new type insteadrustc(E0117)
main.rs(12, 1): impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
main.rs(12, 24): `tera::Error` is not defined in the current crate

我有 match 块的函数签名如下:

async fn tst() -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {}


正如您已经发现的那样,into() 不能用于将 tera::Error 转换为 actix_web::Error,因为没有直接定义此类转换。在这种情况下,它会给你一个稍微误导的错误——因为这个转换存在:

impl<T> From<T> for Error
    T: 'static + ResponseError, 

编译器抛出一个错误,说如果只实现 tera 错误 ResponseError,它就可以进行转换。但是你不能让它实现那个特性,因为 'trait orphan rule',它说你不能将你自己的板条箱之外的特性实现到你自己的板条箱之外的类型上。

您可以将 tera::Error 包装在您自己的结构中,然后为此实现 ResponseError,如 outlined in this question.

但是有一个更简单的解决方案:actix-web提供了一个whole swathe of helper functions用于转换错误,你可以这样使用:

match TEMPLATES.render("index.html", &ctx) {
    Ok(s) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().body(s)),
    Err(e) => Err(error::ErrorInternalServerError(e)),

提供的帮助程序将提供的错误映射到指定的 HTTP 响应代码中,因此您可以选择一个最能代表发生的错误的代码。

另请参阅 actix-web documentation for error handling

购买者注意:此解决方案未经测试,我从未使用过 teraactix-web,而是我从浏览他们的文档中收集到的。