
An algorithm to sort top and bottom slices of curved surfaces


  1. 剪切STL文件https://www.dropbox.com/s/pex20yqfgmxgt0w/wing_fish.stl?dl=0 at Z-coordinate using PyVsita https://docs.pyvista.org/)
  2. 在给定的部分 Z 处提取点的坐标 X、Y
  3. 将点排序到 Upper 和 Down 组以便进一步操作


import pyvista as pv
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import math

mesh = pv.read('wing_fish.stl')
z_slice = [0, 0, 1]     # normal to cut at

single_slice = mesh.slice(normal=z_slice, origin=[0, 0, 200]) #  slicing
a = single_slice.points                    #  choose only points

# p = pv.Plotter()          #show section
# p.add_mesh(single_slice)
# p.show()

a = a[a[:,0].astype(float).argsort()]       #  sort all points by Х coord
#  X min of all points
x0 = a[0][0]
#  Y min of all points
y0 = a[0][1] 

#  X tail 1 of 2 
xn = a[-1][0]
#  Y tail 1 of 2 
yn = a[-1][1]

#  X tail 2 of 2
xn2 = a[-2][0]
#  Y tail 2 of 2
yn2 = a[-2][1]

def line_y(x, x0, y0, xn, yn):
    # return y coord at arbitary x coord of x0, y0  xn, yn LINE
    return ((x - x0)*(yn-y0))/(xn-x0)+y0

def line_c(x0, y0, xn, yn):
    # return x, y middle points of LINE
    xc = (x0+xn)/2
    yc = (y0+yn)/2
    return xc, yc

def chord(P1, P2):
    return math.sqrt((P2[1] - P1[1])**2 + (P2[0] - P1[0])**2)

xc_end, yc_end = line_c(xn, yn, xn2, yn2)   # return midle at trailing edge

midLine = np.array([[x0,y0],[xc_end,yc_end]],dtype='float32')

c_temp_x_d = []
c_temp_y_d = []

c_temp_x_u = []
c_temp_y_u = []

isUp = None
isDown = None

for i in a:
    if i[1] == line_y(i[0], x0=x0, y0=y0, xn=xc_end, yn=yc_end):

    elif i[1] < line_y(i[0], x0=x0, y0=y0, xn=xc_end, yn=yc_end):
        isDown = True
        isUp = True
    if len(c_temp_y_d) != 0 and len(c_temp_y_u) != 0:

plt.plot(c_temp_x_d, c_temp_y_d, label='suppose to be down points')
plt.plot(c_temp_x_u, c_temp_y_u, label='suppose to be upper points')
plt.plot(midLine[:,0], midLine[:,1], label='Chord')
plt.scatter(a[:,0],a[:,1], label='raw points')




非常感谢您的帮助和建议! 提前致谢!

您正在丢弃您的 STL 网格和切片中已经存在的宝贵连接信息!

我在 PyVista 中想不出更惯用的解决方案,但在最坏的情况下,您可以从切片中获取单元格(线)信息,然后从其左侧开始遍历您的形状(在拓扑上相当于一个圆)向右,反之亦然。这是一种方法:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyvista as pv

mesh = pv.read('../wing_fish.stl')
z_slice = [0, 0, 1]     # normal to cut at

single_slice = mesh.slice(normal=z_slice, origin=[0, 0, 200]) #  slicing

# find points with smallest and largest x coordinate
points = single_slice.points
left_ind = points[:, 0].argmin()
right_ind = points[:, 0].argmax()

# sanity check for what we're about to do:
# 1. all cells are lines
assert single_slice.n_cells == single_slice.n_points
assert (single_slice.lines[::3] == 2).all()

# 2. all points appear exactly once as segment start and end
lines = single_slice.lines.reshape(-1, 3)  # each row: [2, i_from, i_to]
assert len(set(lines[:, 1])) == lines.shape[0]

# create an auxiliary dict with from -> to index mappings
conn = dict(lines[:, 1:])

# and a function that walks this connectivity graph
def walk_connectivity(connectivity, start, end):
    this_ind = start
    path_inds = [this_ind]
    while True:
        next_ind = connectivity[this_ind]
        this_ind = next_ind
        if this_ind == end:
            # we're done
            return path_inds

# start walking at point left_ind, walk until right_ind
first_side_inds = walk_connectivity(conn, left_ind, right_ind)

# now walk forward for the other half curve
second_side_inds = walk_connectivity(conn, right_ind, left_ind)

# get the point coordinates for plotting
first_side_points = points[first_side_inds, :-1]
second_side_points = points[second_side_inds, :-1]

# plot the two sides
fig, ax = plt.subplots()



