
How to animate algorithm steps using a recursive generator

我使用递归辅助函数构建了一个 boggle 求解器算法。 它使用 trie 数据结构来快速检查现有前缀是否在字典中有任何单词。 我想为算法的每一步制作动画,以显示如何在 HTML table 中找到每个单词,但无法使其正常工作。


const trie = '' // instantiated trie class (omitted for brevity)
const list = '' // imported dictionary (omitted for brevity)

// inputs are all the cells inside the table that hold the letters
const inputs = document.getElementsByClassName("input");
// size is the size of the table (ex. 4x4, 8x8, etc...)
const size = document.getElementById("size").valueAsNumber;

// populating the trie with every word in the dictionary
for (let item of list) {

const movements = (i, j) => [
  { row: i, column: j + 1, move: "RIGHT" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j + 1, move: "BOTTOM_RIGHT" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j, move: "BOTTOM" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j - 1, move: "BOTTOM_LEFT" },
  { row: i, column: j - 1, move: "LEFT" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j - 1, move: "TOP_LEFT" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j, move: "TOP" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j + 1, move: "TOP_RIGHT" },

// takes a 2D array as input (ex. [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']])
export const findWords = (matrix) => {
  const words = [];
  const iterate = (i, j, word, visited) => {
    if (matrix[i] && matrix[i][j]) {
      if (!visited[`${i}_${j}`]) {
        visited[`${i}_${j}`] = true;
        word += matrix[i][j];
        if (trie.find(word).length) {
          if (trie.contains(word)) {
          const moves = movements(i, j);
          for (let move of moves) {
            const { row, column } = move;
            iterate(row, column, word, { ...visited });
  for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
      iterate(i, j, "", {});
  return words;



export const findWords = (matrix) => {
  const words = [];
  const iterate = function* (i, j, word, visited, color) {
    if (matrix[i] && matrix[i][j]) {
      if (!visited[`${i}_${j}`]) {
        visited[`${i}_${j}`] = true;
        word += matrix[i][j];
        // highlighting the current cell here
        inputs[j + size * i].classList.add(color);
        if (trie.find(word).length) {
          if (trie.contains(word)) {
          const moves = movements(i, j);
          for (let move of moves) {
            const { row, column } = move;
            yield* iterate(
              { ...visited },
              column % 2 === 0 ? "blue" : "red"
            // the cell should be unhighlighted once this cell is done 
            inputs[j + size * i].classList.remove(color);
  for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
      iterate(i, j, "", {}, j % 2 === 0 ? "blue" : "red").next();
  return words;

这样做只会显示算法的最终状态,这不是我想要的。 我想显示每个单元格被突出显示或未突出显示,因为每个步骤都在执行并且每个单词都在被发现。 我还尝试包括 setTimeout 函数来延迟辅助函数的执行,但这也没有用。 它只是导致随机闪烁,因为单元格 highlighted/unhighlighted 乱序。


在 javascript 中,您无法在同步函数执行期间渲染某些内容。任何尝试进行 DOM 更改的代码只会对这些更改进行排队,在运行时执行同步函数时无法绘制这些更改。

因此,你必须让你的函数异步,就像这个例子 https://jsfiddle.net/ep783cgw/2/

虽然我不确定你想如何形象化它,但我已经制作了一个 renderState 函数,你可以根据自己的喜好定义它。

// modify it as per your liking
const renderState = (anim,i,j,move) => {
    const {row,column} = move
  anim.innerText = `${i}_${j}-${row}_${column}-${move.move}`

// show noticable delay in animation
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))

// make findWords async
const findWords = async (matrix) => {
  const words = [];
  const anim = document.querySelector('#result');
  const iterate = async (i, j, word, visited) => {
    if (matrix[i] && matrix[i][j]) {
      if (!visited[`${i}_${j}`]) {
        visited[`${i}_${j}`] = true;
        word += matrix[i][j];
        if (trie.find(word).length) {
          if (trie.contains(word)) {
          const moves = movements(i, j);
          for (let move of moves) {
            const { row, column } = move;
            // render the DOM
            renderState(anim,i,j, move);
            // wait for 200ms using await. Browser will draw the DOM in this time
            await delay(200);
            // iterate again using await
            await iterate(row, column, word, { ...visited });
  for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
      await iterate(i, j, "", {});
  return words;

// make handleSubmit async
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
  const inputs = document.querySelectorAll(".input");
  const result = document.getElementById("result");
  const size = document.getElementById("size").valueAsNumber;
  const matrix = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    const row = [];
    for (let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      row.push(inputs[j + size * i].value.toLowerCase());
  // use await to get output of findWords
  const words = await findWords(matrix);
  result.innerHTML = words;


  1. Event Loop Description | MDN
  2. A Whosebug answer on similar topic


为了更好地利用生成器函数,您应该创建一个生成器实例并对其调用 next() 以生成所有值。但是在你的代码中,你写了

iterate(i, j, "", {}, j % 2 === 0 ? "blue" : "red").next();

在每次 .next() 调用之前创建新实例的位置。因此,iterate 生成器不会生成所有值。 因此,上面的行应该是

const instance = iterate(i, j, "", {}, j % 2 === 0 ? "blue" : "red")




完成后,进行测试,一次一个,突出显示网格。在这里使用 setInterval 或链式 setTimeout 很容易,因为您只是迭代尝试列表。每次你只需要取消设置当前突出显示,然后为路径上的单元格设置它,可能对路径的第一个和最后一个单元格有不同的显示,当你点击一个合法的单词时可能会有不同的东西(动画添加加入名单?)


  \ x
y  \  0   1   2   3
  0 | · | · | O | · |
  1 | · | O | F | · |
  2 | Z | L | · | H |
  3 | · | I | S | · |


  path: [{x: 2, y: 1, c: 'F'}, {x: 2, y: 0, c: 'O'}, {x: 1, y: 1, 'c': 'O'}], 
  stuck: false, 
  isWord: false


然后,因为你没有被卡住,你最终添加 {x: 1, y: 2, c: 'L'},你将有 isWord: true ("FOOL") 和 stuck: false(因为 trie 说那里是 F-O-O-L).

  path: [{x: 2, y: 1, c: 'F'}, {x: 2, y: 0, c: 'O'}, {x: 1, y: 1, 'c': 'O'}, 
         {x: 1, y: 2, c: 'L'}], 
  stuck: false, 
  isWord: true

但是当你尝试添加 {x: 0, y: 2, c: 'Z'} 时,trie 告诉你没有单词开头 F-O-O-Z,你可以记录它不是单词,你被卡住了。

  path: [{x: 2, y: 1, c: 'F'}, {x: 2, y: 0, c: 'O'}, {x: 1, y: 1, 'c': 'O'}, 
         {x: 0, y: 2, c: 'Z'}], 
  stuck: true, 
  isWord: false


  path: [{x: 2, y: 1, c: 'F'}, {x: 2, y: 0, c: 'O'}, {x: 1, y: 1, c: 'O'}, 
         {x: 1, y: 2, c: 'L'}, {x: 1, y: 3, c: 'I'}, {x: 2, y: 3, c: 'S'}, 
         {x: 3, y: 2, c: 'H'}], 
  stuck: false, 
  isWord: true


  .filter (t => t .isWord) 
  .map (({path}) => path .map (n => n .c) .join (''))

const uniqueWords = [... new Set (words)]


自从我发布以上内容以来,我一直在断断续续地思考这个问题。这是一种尝试以接近这种方式的方式进行的尝试。 (如果您使用代码段的“全屏”选项,它可能看起来会更好。):

// *************************
// Main function
// *************************
const run = () =>
  Promise.resolve (showLoading())
    .then (getDictionary)
    .then (trie)
    .then (buildPuzzle)
    .then (tap (displayPuzzle))
    .then (solvePuzzle)
    // .then (tap (console .log))
    .then (displaySolution)
    .then (showWordCount)

// *************************
// Utility functions
// *************************
const tap = (fn) => (x) => (fn (x), x)
const range = (lo, hi) => [... Array (hi - lo)] .map ((_, i) => i + lo)
const last = (xs) => xs [xs .length - 1] 
const titleCase = ([c, ...cs]) => c .toUpperCase() + cs.join('')
const showLoading = () => // not really a utility function, but no place better
  document .getElementById ('word') .textContent ='Loading ...'

// *************************
// Dictionary handling -trie
// *************************
const getDictionary = () =>
  //fetch ('http://fourwindssoft.com/scott/words/')
  fetch ('https://norvig.com/ngrams/enable1.txt')
    .then (s => s .text ())
    .then (s => s .split ('\n'))

const trie = (words) => 
  words .reduce (insertWord, {}) 
const insertWord = (trie, [c, ...cs]) => 
  c ? {...trie, [c]: insertWord (trie [c] || {}, cs)} : {...trie, $: 1}
const find = (trie) => ([c = '', ...cs]) =>
  trie && (cs .length == 0 ? trie [c] : find (trie[c]) (cs))
const contains = (trie) => (word) =>
  '$' in (find (trie) (word) || {})

// *************************
// Board creation
// *************************
const buildPuzzle = (trie) => ({trie, letters: roll (dice)})
const dice = 
   'a|a|c|i|o|t, a|b|i|l|t|y, a|b|j|m|o|qu, a|c|d|e|m|p, a|c|e|l|r|s, a|d|e|n|v|z, a|h|m|o|r|s, b|i|f|o|r|x, d|e|n|o|s|w, d|k|n|o|t|u, e|e|f|h|i|y, e|g|k|l|u|y, e|g|i|n|t|v, e|h|i|n|p|s, e|l|p|s|t|u, g|i|l|r|u|w'
   .split (', ') .map (d => d.split ('|'))
const roll = (dice) => shuffle (dice) .map (pickOne)
const shuffle = (xs, i = Math .floor (Math .random () * xs .length)) =>
  xs .length == 0
    ? []
    : [xs[i], ... shuffle ([... xs .slice (0, i), ... xs .slice (i + 1)])]
const pickOne = (xs) => xs [Math .floor (Math .random () * xs .length)]

// *************************
// Initial display
// *************************
const displayPuzzle = ({letters}) =>
  letters .forEach ((l, i) => document .getElementById (`c${i}`) .textContent = titleCase (l))

// *************************
// Solving puzzle
// *************************
const solvePuzzle = ({trie, letters}) =>
  ({letters, tests: search (letters, neighbors, trie)})

// see https://link.fourwindssoft.com/30 for derivation or other grid sizes
const neighbors = 
  [[1, 4, 5], [0, 2, 4, 5, 6], [1, 3, 5, 6, 7], [2, 6, 7], [0, 1, 5, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11], [2, 3, 6, 10, 11], [4, 5, 9, 12, 13], [4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14], [5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15], [6, 7, 10, 14, 15], [8, 9, 13], [8, 9, 10, 12, 14], [9, 10, 11, 13, 15], [10, 11, 14]]

const search = (letters, neighbors, words, path = []) => 
  path .length == 0
    ? letters .flatMap ((l, i) => search (letters, neighbors, find (words) (l) || {}, [i]))
    : [
        {path, isWord : words ? '$' in words && path.length > 2 : false, stuck: !words},
        ... neighbors [last (path)] 
              .filter ((i) => ! path .includes (i))
              .flatMap ((i) => words
                 ? search (letters, neighbors, find (words) (letters [i]), [...path, i])     
                 : []

// *************************
// Display algorithm process
// *************************
const displaySolution = ({letters, tests}) => 
  showPaths (letters) (tests)

const showPaths = (letters) => ([t, ...ts]) => 
  t == undefined
    ? Promise.resolve(true)
    : showPath (letters) (t) .then (() => showPaths (letters) (ts))  

const showPath = (letters) => (t) => {
  document .getElementById ('word') .textContent = t.path .map (n => letters [n]) .join('')
  return highlightPath (50) (t.path)
    .then (() => {
      if (t.isWord) {
        document.getElementById ('board') .classList .add ('match')
      } else if (t.stuck) {
        document.getElementById ('board') .classList .add ('stuck')
    .then (delay (t.isWord ? 1500: 500) (clearHighlighting))
    .then (handleWord (t, letters))
    .then (() => {
      const classList = document.getElementById ('board') .classList 
      classList .remove ('stuck') 
      classList .remove ('match')

const highlightPath = (t) => (path) => seq (
  path .map ((n) => delay (t) (highlightCell (n)))

const seq = (promGens) =>
  promGens .reduce ((c, n) => c .then (n), Promise.resolve(true))

const delay = (time) => (thunk) => () => 
  new Promise ((res) => {setTimeout (() => {thunk(); res()}, time)})

const highlightCell = (n) => () =>
  document .getElementById (`c${n}`) .classList .add ('highlighted')

const clearHighlighting = () =>
  document .querySelectorAll ('#board td') .forEach ((node) => node .classList .remove ('highlighted'))

const handleWord = (t, letters) => {
  if (t.isWord) {
    const text = t.path .map (p => letters [p]) .join('')
    const match = [...document .querySelectorAll ('#found li')] .find (node => node .textContent == text)
    if (match) {
      match .scrollIntoView ()
      match .classList .add ('item-used')
      setTimeout (() => match .classList .remove ('item-used'), 6000) // uggh, 6000 should match css animation!
    } else {
      const li = document .createElement ('li')
      li. appendChild (document .createTextNode(text))
      document .getElementById('found') .appendChild (li)
      li .scrollIntoView ()
      li .classList .add ('item-highlight')
      setTimeout (() => li .classList .remove ('item-highlight'), 6000)
  return t

const showWordCount = () => // ugly to use the DOM for this info, but too much refactoring to fix
  document .getElementById ('word') .textContent = `${document.querySelectorAll('#found li') .length} words`

// *************************
// Start everything
// *************************
run ()
table {background: #999; padding: .25em; border: 1px solid black;}
td {border: 1px solid black; padding: .25em; background: white; text-align: center; width: 1em; height: 1em;}
td.highlighted {background: #ccc;}
table.stuck, table.stuck td.highlighted {background: #f99;}
table.match, table.match td.highlighted {background: #9f9;}
pre {width: 10em; text-align: center; color: #666;}
code {font-size: 2em;}
.container {display: flex; flex-direction: row;}
#results {height: 10em; width: 8em; margin-left: .5em; padding: .5em; background: #ddd; overflow: auto;}
#results ul {list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0em;}
@keyframes fadenew {from {background: #6f6} to {background: transparent;}}
li.item-highlight {animation: fadenew 6s;}
@keyframes fadeused {from {background: #f66} to {background: transparent;}}
li.item-used {animation: fadeused 6s;}
<div class="container">
  <div id="demo">
    <table id="board">
      <tr><td  id="c0">?</td><td  id="c1">?</td><td  id="c2">?</td><td  id="c3">?</td></tr>
      <tr><td  id="c4">?</td><td  id="c5">?</td><td  id="c6">?</td><td  id="c7">?</td></tr>
      <tr><td  id="c8">?</td><td  id="c9">?</td><td id="c10">?</td><td id="c11">?</td></tr>
      <tr><td id="c12">?</td><td id="c13">?</td><td id="c14">?</td><td id="c15">?</td></tr>
    <pre><code id="word"></code></pre>
  <div id="results">
    <ul id ="found"></ul>

我确实对上面的建议稍作修改。路径只是整数列表,索引到作为网格的平面字母数组。每个索引的邻居列表是硬编码的,尽管最初,当摆弄不同的网格大小时,我 calculated them.

代码加载字典,这里是 Peter Norvig 的 enable1 list, turns it into a trie, with the fairly simple trie function. We randomly create a puzzle, using simulated dice,它应该与原始的 Boggle 字典非常匹配,显示它(通过整数索引到单元格 ID 的简单映射),并使用相当简单的 search 函数可以在其中找到我们词典中至少包含三个字母的所有单词。这将为我们提供一组如下所示的结果:

  {path: [9, 5, 6, 3], stuck: false, isWord: true},
  {path: [9, 5, 6, 3, 2], stuck: true, isWord: false},


['L',' T',' P',' T',' O',' E',' N',' Y',' U',' T',' F',' O',' S',' H',' K',' I']


   | L | T | P | T |
   | O | E | N | Y |
   | U | T | F | O |
   | S | H | K | I |

所以[9, 5, 6, 3]代表"TENT"[9, 5, 6, 3, 2]代表"TENTP".


现在我们有了这个表示,我们可以通过突出显示我们尝试过的每个测试用例的路径来演示它。请注意,当 trie 不包含最新字母时搜索器停止,因此我们没有指数数量的搜索路径。我假设这里的所有其他算法都做类似的事情。显示中没有特别有趣的代码。它只是一次一个地突出显示通过网格的路径,简要说明它是否是我们字典中的一个词,如果是一个,在将它添加到列表之前检查我们是否已经找到它找到的话。所有这些都是通过简单的 DOM 操作完成的。唯一有点棘手的是动画的时间安排。我们希望通过我们的文字快速移动,但希望文字的动画足够快以显示实际路径。我不确定我在这里取得了正确的平衡,但这并不可怕。


很多代码对于网格大小都是通用的,使用那个 getNeighbors 函数,我们可以很容易地把它的其余部分变成这样,除了一件事。我们在这里掷的骰子是为了模拟实际的 Boggle 骰子,而不是简单的随机选择。我不清楚如何为更大的网格更改它。

这是一件有趣的小事。虽然我希望它能对 OP 有所帮助,但我很高兴这样做只是为了我自己的娱乐。


该解决方案的部分灵感来自 Scott 的建议,但由于我无法让它工作,我找到了另一种方法来指定动画 运行.[=13 时应执行的每个步骤=]


const movements = (i, j) => [
  { row: i, column: j + 1, move: "RIGHT" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j + 1, move: "BOTTOM_RIGHT" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j, move: "BOTTOM" },
  { row: i + 1, column: j - 1, move: "BOTTOM_LEFT" },
  { row: i, column: j - 1, move: "LEFT" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j - 1, move: "TOP_LEFT" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j, move: "TOP" },
  { row: i - 1, column: j + 1, move: "TOP_RIGHT" },

const addStep = (() => {
  let counter = 1;
  return (i, j, matrix, isWord, action, steps) => {
      x: i,
      y: j,
      c: matrix[i][j],
    action === "remove" ? counter-- : counter++;

const findWords = (matrix) => {
  const words = [];
  const map = {};
  const steps = [];
  const iterate = (i, j, word, visited) => {
    if (matrix[i] && matrix[i][j]) {
      if (!visited[`${i}_${j}`]) {
        visited[`${i}_${j}`] = true;
        word += matrix[i][j];
        addStep(i, j, matrix, false, "add", steps);
        if (trie.find(word).length) {
          if (trie.contains(word) && !map[word]) {
            map[word] = true;
            steps[steps.length - 1] = {
              ...steps[steps.length - 1],
              isWord: true,
          const moves = movements(i, j);
          for (let move of moves) {
            const { row, column } = move;
            iterate(row, column, word, { ...visited });
          addStep(i, j, matrix, false, "remove", steps);
        } else {
          addStep(i, j, matrix, false, "remove", steps);
  for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
      iterate(i, j, "", {});
  return { words, steps };


const visualizeSteps = async (steps, inputs, spans, size) => {
  for (let step of steps) {
    const { x, y } = step;
    const selection = y + size * x;
    await delay(0);
    if (spans[selection].innerHTML === "") {
      spans[selection].innerHTML = step.counter;
    if (step.isWord) {
      const highlights = document.getElementsByClassName("highlight");
      for (let highlight of highlights) {
      await delay(500);
      for (let highlight of highlights) {
    } else {
      if (step.action === "remove") {
        await delay(0);
        spans[selection].innerHTML = "";