ERP-CRM 系统中的操作系统配置参数?

Operating System configuration parameters in ERP-CRM systems?

我正在搜索有关“ERP、CRM 系统中的操作系统配置参数:定义、类型和用途”的信息。



我没有什么可以对比这些信息,所以如果有人告诉我这个术语指的是什么,我将不胜感激,因为这些项目对我来说不像操作系统参数。当我考虑操作系统参数时,我会想到 PATH 和类似的东西。

虽然笼统地说Operating System意味着

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is a component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs usually require an operating system to function.

您上下文中的实际定义主要是指 Operating Environment

In computer software, an operating environment or integrated applications environment is the environment in which users run application software. The environment consists of a user interface provided by an applications manager and usually an application programming interface (API) to the applications manager.

An operating environment is usually not a full operating system but is a form of middle-ware that rests between the OS and the application.


  • 服务器连接
  • 数据库访问
  • 语言配置
  • 国家本地化文件
  • 数据库服务器
  • 服务器OS

以及类似的主题,实际上是 CRM、ERP 等应用程序上下文中的操作环境
