在单位网格上的 2D 随机游走中击中给定线的平均时间

Average time to hit a given line on 2D random walk on a unit grid


给定从原点开始的二维随机游走(在格子网格中),到达直线 y=1-x 的平均等待时间是多少

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
for _ in tqdm(range(N)):
  current = [0,0]
  while (current[1]+current[0] != 1):
    step += 1
    a = np.random.randint(0,4)
    if (a==0):
      current[0] += 1
    elif (a==1):
      current[0] -= 1
    elif (a==2):
      current[1] += 1
    elif (a==3):
      current[1] -= 1

此代码即使对于 N<10**4 也很慢我不确定如何优化或更改它以正确模拟问题。

与其按顺序模拟一堆随机游走,不如尝试同时模拟多条路径并跟踪这些路径发生的概率,例如我们从位置 0 开始,概率为 1:

states = {0+0j: 1}


moves = {1+0j: 0.25,  0+1j: 0.25, -1+0j: 0.25, 0-1j: 0.25}
# moves = {1: 0.5, -1:0.5} # this would basically be equivelent


def simulate_one_step(current_states):
    newStates = {}
    for cur_pos, prob_of_being_here in current_states.items():
        for movement_dist,prob_of_moving_this_way in moves.items():
            newStates.setdefault(cur_pos+movement_dist, 0)
            newStates[cur_pos+movement_dist] += prob_of_being_here*prob_of_moving_this_way
    return newStates


for stepIdx in range(1, 100):
    states = simulate_one_step(states)
    winning_chances = 0
    # use set(keys) to make copy so we can delete cases out of states as we go.
    for pos, prob in set(states.items()):
        # if y = 1-x
        if pos.imag == 1 - pos.real:
            winning_chances += prob
            # we no longer consider this a state that propogated because the path stops here.
            del states[pos]
    print(f"probability of winning after {stepIdx} moves is: {winning_chances}")

您还可以查看 states 以了解可能位置的分布,尽管根据与线的距离对其进行总计可以简化数据。无论如何,最后一步是将采取那么多步骤的概率平均所采取的步骤,看看它是否收敛:

total_average_num_moves += stepIdx * winning_chances

但我们也许可以通过使用符号变量来收集更多信息! (注意我将其简化为一维问题,我在底部描述了如何)

import sympy
x = sympy.Symbol("x") # will sub in 1/2 later
moves = {
    1: x, # assume x is the chances for us to move towards the target
   -1: 1-x # and therefore 1-x is the chance of moving away


probability of winning after 1 moves is: x
probability of winning after 2 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 3 moves is: x**2*(1 - x)
probability of winning after 4 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 5 moves is: 2*x**3*(1 - x)**2
probability of winning after 6 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 7 moves is: 5*x**4*(1 - x)**3
probability of winning after 8 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 9 moves is: 14*x**5*(1 - x)**4
probability of winning after 10 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 11 moves is: 42*x**6*(1 - x)**5
probability of winning after 12 moves is: 0
probability of winning after 13 moves is: 132*x**7*(1 - x)**6

如果我们用 (2n)!/(n!(n+1)!) 的公式询问 the OEIS what the sequence 1,2,5,14,42,132... means it tells us those are Catalan numbers 那么我们可以为该系列中的非零项编写一个函数:

f(n,x) = (2n)! / (n! * (n+1)!) * x^(n+1) * (1-x)^n


import math
def probability_of_winning_after_2n_plus_1_steps(n, prob_of_moving_forward = 0.5):
    return (math.factorial(2*n)/math.factorial(n)/math.factorial(n+1) 
           * prob_of_moving_forward**(n+1) * (1-prob_of_moving_forward)**n)

现在为我们提供了一种相对即时的方法来计算任何长度的相关参数,或者更有用 ask wolfram alpha what the average would be(发散)

请注意,我们可以通过将 y-x 视为一个变量来将其简化为一维问题:“我们从 y-x = 0 开始移动,使得 y-x 增加或减少 1每次移动的机会均等,我们对 y-x = 1 感兴趣。这意味着我们可以通过代入 z=y-x.


矢量化会产生更快的代码,大约快 90K 倍。这是一个函数,它将 return 从 (0,0) 开始点击 y=1-x 线,并在二维网格上以单位步长生成轨迹。

import numpy as np

def _random_walk_2D(sim_steps):
    """ Walk on 2D unit steps
        return  x_sim, y_sim, trajectory, number_of_steps_first_hit to y=1-x """
    random_moves_x = np.insert(np.random.choice([1,0,-1], sim_steps), 0, 0)
    random_moves_y = np.insert(np.random.choice([1,0,-1], sim_steps), 0, 0)
    x_sim = np.cumsum(random_moves_x)
    y_sim = np.cumsum(random_moves_y)
    trajectory = np.array((x_sim,y_sim)).T
    y_hat = 1-x_sim # checking if hit y=1-x
    y_hit = y_hat-y_sim
    hit_steps = np.where(y_hit == 0)
    number_of_steps_first_hit = -1
    if hit_steps[0].shape[0] > 0:
        number_of_steps_first_hit = hit_steps[0][0]
    return x_sim, y_sim, trajectory, number_of_steps_first_hit


更长的模拟和重复可能会给出平均行为,但下面的行为表明它是否没有逃脱到英菲尼迪,它平均达到约 84 步的直线。

sim_steps= 5*10**3 # 5K steps
nrepeat = 40000
hit_step = [_random_walk_2D(sim_steps)[3] for _ in range(nrepeat)]
hit_step = [h for h in hit_step if h > -1]
np.mean(hit_step) #  ~84 step

更长的时间 sim_steps 会改变结果。

PS: 很好的练习,希望这不是作业,如果是作业,请引用此答案。

编辑 正如评论中所讨论的,当前 _random_walk_2D 适用于 8 个方向。要将其限制在基本方向,我们可以进行以下过滤:

cardinal_x_y = [(t[0], t[1]) for t in zip(random_moves_x, random_moves_y)  
                if np.abs(t[0]) != np.abs(t[1])]
random_moves_x = [t[0] for t in cardinal_x_y]
random_moves_y = [t[1] for t in cardinal_x_y]

虽然这会稍微降低函数的速度,但与 for loop 解决方案相比仍然非常快。