获取值与多个条件匹配的列名称 python

Get column name where value match with multiple condition python

整天都在寻找我的问题的解决方案,但找不到答案。我正在尝试按照本主题的示例进行操作:Get column name where value is something in pandas dataframe 制作具有多个条件的版本。

我想提取列名(在列表下)where :

值== 4 /值== 3
只有没有4 or/and3,然后提取列名where value == 2


data = {'Name': ['Tom', 'Joseph', 'Krish', 'John'], 'acne': [1, 4, 1, 2], 'wrinkles': [1, 3, 4, 4],'darkspot': [2, 2, 3, 4] }  

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data)  


    Name    acne    wrinkles    darkspot
0   Tom     1         1            2   
1   Joseph  4         3            2
2   Krish   1         4            3
3   John    2         4            4


我要的结果 :


    Name    acne    wrinkles    darkspot   problem
0   Tom     1         1            2       [darkspot]
1   Joseph  4         3            2       [acne, wrinkles]
2   Krish   1         4            3       [wrinkles, darkspot]
3   John    2         4            4       [wrinkles, darkspot]


我在上面提到的主题中尝试使用带有 lambda 的 apply 函数,但它只能接受一个参数。 如果有人可以帮助我,非常感谢您的回答:)


首先检查是否有任何值是 3 或 4,然后如果不是,检查是否有任何值是 2。用 |(或)在这两个条件之间。

最后你可以 NaN 假值,这样当你堆叠时 groupby.agg(list) 你只剩下真值的列标签。

cols = ['acne', 'wrinkles', 'darkspot']

m1 = df1[cols].isin([3, 4])
# If no `3` or `4` on the rows, check if there is a `2`
m2 = pd.DataFrame((~m1.any(1)).to_numpy()[:, None] &  df1[cols].eq(2).to_numpy(),
                   index=m1.index, columns=m1.columns)
m = (m1 | m2)
#    acne  wrinkles  darkspot
#0  False     False      True
#1   True      True     False
#2  False      True      True
#3  False      True      True

# Assignment aligns on original DataFrame index, i.e. `'level_0'`
df1['problem'] = m.where(m).stack().reset_index().groupby('level_0')['level_1'].agg(list)

     Name  acne  wrinkles  darkspot               problem
0     Tom     1         1         2            [darkspot]
1  Joseph     4         3         2      [acne, wrinkles]
2   Krish     1         4         3  [wrinkles, darkspot]
3    John     2         4         4  [wrinkles, darkspot]


problems = ['acne', 'wrinkles', 'darkspot']

m1 = df1[problems].isin([3, 4])  # main condition
m2 = df1[problems].eq(2)         # fallback condition
mask = m1 | (m1.loc[~m1.any(axis=1)] | m2)

df1['problem'] = mask.mul(problems).apply(lambda x: [i for i in x if i], axis=1)


>>> df1
     Name  acne  wrinkles  darkspot               problem
0     Tom     1         1         2            [darkspot]
1  Joseph     4         3         2      [acne, wrinkles]
2   Krish     1         4         3  [wrinkles, darkspot]
3    John     2         4         4  [wrinkles, darkspot]