如何使用 Pester 验证传递给模拟函数的参数值

How can I verify the value of a parameter being passed into a mocked function using Pester

我有一个用 PowerShell 编写的函数,我正在尝试使用 Pester v-5 测试该函数。我在下面的代码示例中包含了被测函数和 Pester 测试用例。

我正在尝试验证传递给模拟函数 Save-Report 的参数 $FileName 是否正确。我该怎么做?



Function Invoke-ReportDownloader
        # The command object used to connect to the database

        # An XML element containing the report item to be retrieved

        # Hashtable containing the configuration parameters

        # The SEMO participant that the report is being downloaded for

    # If report is not supported jump to next report
    $ReportName = $ReportItem.ReportName
    if (-not (Test-ReportSupported $Command $ReportName)) {
        $Logger.Warning("Report: $($ReportName) is not currently supported")

    # (Kanban-7940) If there is no date included in the specified file name in
    # the report item then we append the associated date to the filename. This
    # is to avoid multiple reports of the same type overwriting each other.
    $Filename = $ReportItem.FileName
    if (-not (Test-TimestampIncluded -Filename $Filename)) {
        $FileName = Add-StringToFileName -Path $Filename -SubString $ReportItem.Date

    # If report already exists in database jump to next report
    if (Test-MarketReportInDatabase $Command $ReportItem) {

    Get-Report $ConfigParams $Participant $ReportItem

    # If the response contains failure information throw an exception
    $ReportSuccessParams = @{
        ResponsePath = $ConfigParams.BmResponsePath
        BaseName = $ConfigParams.ReportFilter
    if (-not (Test-SuccessfulResponse @ReportSuccessParams)) {
        throw "Unsuccessful response from BM"

    $SaveReportParams = @{
        RawPath = $ConfigParams.RawPath
        XmlResponsePath = $ConfigParams.XmlResponsePath
        Filename = $FileName
    Save-Report @SaveReportParams


Describe 'Invoke-ReportDownloader' {
    BeforeAll {
        # Set up test $Cmd object
        # Set up test $Logger object
        # Set up test $ReportItem object
        # Set up test $ConfigParams object

    Context "No timestamp included in the filename" {

        BeforeAll {
            Mock Test-ReportSupported { return $true }
            Mock Test-MarketReportInDatabase { return $false }
            Mock Get-Report
            Mock Test-SuccessfulResponse { return $true }
            Mock Save-Report

        BeforeEach {
            $Script:ReportDownloaderParams = @{
                Command = $Script:Cmd
                ReportItem = $ReportItem
                ConfigParams = $Script:ConfigParams
                Participant = $Script:Participant

        It "Should save the report with the timestamp included in the filename" {
            $TestFileName = "test_string_20210101"
            Mock Add-StringToFileName { return $TestFileName }
            Invoke-ReportDownloader @Script:ReportDownloaderParams
            Should -InvokeVerifiable Save-Report
            # I want to verify here that the parameter $FileName being passed into the mocked function Save-Report is correct.


Should -Invoke -CommandName Save-Report -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Filename -eq "test_string_20210101" }

有关详细信息,请参阅 https://pester-docs.netlify.app/docs/usage/mocking#example