如果我在 cloud-init 中将我的用户设置为 sudo: true,则无法通过 ssh 进入 EC2 实例

Can't ssh into EC2 instance if I set my user to sudo: true in cloud-init

以下 yml 脚本启动了一个 EC2 实例,它允许我使用对应于 ssh_authorized_keys.

的 .pem 文件登录
  - name: myuser                                                                
    primary_group: mygroup                                                       
    sudo: false                                                                
    lock_passwd: true                                                          
      - ssh-rsa ALDLKDSDF...

但是,如果我设置 sudo: true,实例将不允许我使用 ssh(身份验证失败)。如果我也设置lock_passwd: false也是一样。有什么想法吗?

来自Cloud config examples — cloud-init documentation

#   sudo: Defaults to none. Accepts a sudo rule string, a list of sudo rule
#         strings or False to explicitly deny sudo usage. Examples:
#         Allow a user unrestricted sudo access.
#             sudo:  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
#         Adding multiple sudo rule strings.
#             sudo:
#               - ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/mysql
#               - ALL=(ALL) ALL
#         Prevent sudo access for a user.
#             sudo: False
#         Note: Please double check your syntax and make sure it is valid.
#               cloud-init does not parse/check the syntax of the sudo
#               directive.
