在 APP_INITIALIZATION 之后使用已解析的配置提供 InjectionToken

Provide an InjectionToken after APP_INITIALIZATION with the resolved configuration

我需要使用将在应用程序初始化期间解析的工厂获取配置(使用 APP_INITIALIZER 提供程序)。

export function loadConfig(): () => Promise<Config> {
    // return promised config

使用 AppModule 提供:

providers: [{
  useFactory: loadConfig,
  deps: [HttpClient, ConfigService],
  multi: true

然后我需要使用该配置数据在另一个 InjectionToken 中注入一些东西,但是如果我使用应用程序初始化期间提供的配置提供特定的 injectiontoken,则该过程在 APP_INITIALIZER 执行之前执行。

export const FORMATS = new InjectionToken<Formats>("formats")

export assignFormat(configService: ConfigService) {
    return configService.getFormats(); // Needs to execute after APP_INITIALIZER, not before
providers: [{
  useFactory: loadConfig,
  deps: [HttpClient, ConfigService],
  multi: true
}, {
  provide: FORMATS,
  useFactory: assignFormat,
  deps: [ConfigService]
@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class ConfigService {
    constructor() {}
    getFormats() {}

APP初始化后如何提供injection token?

如果您的 loadConfig 工厂 return 是一个函数而不是实际的 promise:

const loadConfig = (configService: ConfigService) => {
  return () =>
    new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
      // I added the timeout to simulate a delay
      setTimeout(() => {
        // you might be using a http call to get the config from the server instead.
        // Make sure you keep the config that you fetched in the service;
        // this way you can inject the service in the next factory function 
        // and have the config available
        configService.config = {
          formats: 'formats',
      }, 1000);

APP_INITIALIZER 的规定与您的代码完全一样:

  useFactory: loadConfig,
  deps: [ConfigService],
  multi: true,


  provide: FORMATS,
  useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
    // getFormats method must not be async, it needs to return the actual 
    // formats that were fetched during the app initialization phase
    return configService.getFormats();
  deps: [ConfigService],

Angular 中唯一允许的异步工厂是您与 APP_INITIALIZER injection token 一起使用的那些,但请注意,您需要 return 一个函数而不是实际值。