如何使用数组对象中的 2 个键对数据进行分组

how to group data with 2 keys from array object

你好,我想在 table 中显示数据,因为 table 所有输入字段都具有反应形式,所以


var arr = [{
        "empId": "111222",
        "stuId": "555666",
        "items": [
            "empId": "111222",
            "stuId": "555666",
            "date": "2021-12-12T00:00:00Z",
            "month": "Dec",
            "year": "2021",
            "id": "1"
            "empId": "111222",
            "stuId": "555666",
            "date": "2021-02-02T00:00:00Z",
            "month": "Feb",
            "year": "2021",
            "id": "2"

所以目前在我的前端显示 2 行,但我想显示 1 行,例如


| empId  / stuId  | jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec   |
| 111222 / 555666 |     | 02  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |  12   |


| empId  / stuId  | jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec   |
| 111222 / 555666 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |  12   |
| 111222 / 555666 |     |  02 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |       |

所以项目中可以有多个对象查看响应项目数组存储两个对象所以第一个对象显示 empid、stuId、日期、月份和年份所以我想绑定数据 如上所示table.

Note It can be multiple object in items if empid and stuid are same then store in that object.



var helper = {};
var result = arr.reduce(function(r, o) {
  var key = o.empId + '-' + o.stuId;
  if(!helper[key]) {
    helper[key] = Object.assign({}, o); // create a copy of o
  } else {
    helper[key].month += o.month;
    helper[key].year += o.year;
    helper[key].date += o.date;

  return r;
}, []);


这是 Stackblitz link 你可以查看

你好@DeveloperLion 很简单,如果你有疑问,我会发布我的答案,然后你可以发表评论所以我给你举了例子,但你需要编写代码。

在你得到 API 内部块后,在 foreach 循环之外创建一个对象,然后开始循环,如下代码所示


let rows = <FormArray>this.formGroupName.controls.ArrayName;

arr.foreach(element => {

   var obj = { empName: element.empId, stuName: element.stuId, jan: '', feb: '', mar: '', apr: '', may: '', jun: '', jul: '', aug: '', sep: '', oct: '', nov: '', dec: '' } // inside object key name same as formcontrolName 

   arr[0]['items'].forEach((ele, ind) => {
      obj.jan = ele.month == 'Jan' ? ele.date : obj.jan,
      obj.feb = ele.month == 'Feb' ? ele.date : obj.feb,
      obj.mar = ele.month == 'Mar' ? ele.date : obj.mar,
      obj.apr = ele.month == 'Apr' ? ele.date : obj.apr,
      obj.may = ele.month == 'May' ? ele.date : obj.may,
      obj.jun = ele.month == 'Jun' ? ele.date : obj.jun,
      obj.jul = ele.month == 'Jul' ? ele.date : obj.jul,
      obj.aug = ele.month == 'Aug' ? ele.date : obj.aug,
      obj.sep = ele.month == 'Sep' ? ele.date : obj.sep,
      obj.oct = ele.month == 'Oct' ? ele.date : obj.oct,
      obj.nov = ele.month == 'Nov' ? ele.date : obj.nov,
      obj.dec = ele.month == 'Dec' ? ele.date : obj.dec
   rows.push(this.fb.group({ empName: element.empId, stuName: element.stuId, ...obj })
