有 4 个字段基于其值组合,我们必须在 Mulesoft 中过滤数据

There are 4 fields based on its values combination we have to filter the data in Mulesoft

有 4 个字段基于其值组合,我们必须在 Mulesoft 中过滤数据。 示例:

输入载荷 1:

 "Msg": {
  "Code": "abc",
  "Chcode": "123",
  "Dcode": "55",
  "Type": "pqr"

输入载荷 2:

 "Msg": {
   "Code": "klm",
   "Chcode": "789",
   "Dcode": "32",
   "Type": "xyz"

输入载荷 3:

 "Msg": {
  "Code": "klm",
  "Chcode": "456",
  "Dcode": "22",
  "Type": "shi"

过滤条件:输入有效载荷应与 Code、Chcode、Dcode 和 Type 匹配。
示例:输入负载应包含 Code=abc、Chcode=123、Dcode=55、Type=pqr

Code Chcode Dcode Type
abc 123 55 pqr
ghl 456 22 shi
ghi 276 3u foh

输入payload 1匹配过滤条件第一行code,Chcode,Dcode和Type相同。因此应该过滤该记录以进行处理。输入负载 3 与 Chcode、Dcode 和 Type 匹配,但与 Code 不匹配,因此忽略此记录。



%dw 2.0
output application/json
import * from dw::core::Arrays
import * from dw::core::Objects
var conditionsTable=[
    {Code: "abc", Chcode: "123", Dcode:"55", Type: "pqr"},
    {Code: "ghl", Chcode: "456", Dcode:"22", Type: "shi"},
    {Code: "ghl", Chcode: "276", Dcode:"3u", Type: "foh"}
fun matchRecord(record, cond)=record everyEntry (value, key) -> cond[key] == value
fun matchConditions(record, conditions)=conditions some ((item) -> matchRecord(record, item))
matchConditions(payload.Msg, conditionsTable)