你如何存根调用 GitHub 进行测试?

how can you stub calls to GitHub for testing?

我需要使用 go-github 创建一个 Pull Request 评论,我的代码可以工作,但现在我想为它编写测试(是的,我知道测试应该放在第一位),这样我就不会在测试期间实际调用真正的 GitHub 服务。

我已经阅读了 3 篇关于 golang stubbing 和 mocking 的博客,但是,作为 golang 的新手,尽管 this discussion on go-github issues 我还是有点迷茫。比如我写了下面这个函数:

// this is my function
func GetClient(token string, url string) (*github.Client, context.Context, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
        &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token},
    tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts)
    client, err := github.NewEnterpriseClient(url, url, tc)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("error creating github client: %q", err)
        return nil, nil, err
    return client, ctx, nil



func GetPRComments(ctx context.Context, client *github.Client) ([]*github.IssueComment, *github.Response, error)  {
    opts := &github.IssueListCommentsOptions{
        ListOptions: github.ListOptions{
            Page:    1,
            PerPage: 30,
    githubPrNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("GITHUB_PR_NUMBER"))
    if err != nil || githubPrNumber == 0 {
      panic("error: GITHUB_PR_NUMBER is not numeric or empty")

    // use Issues API for PR comments since GitHub docs say "This may seem counterintuitive... but a...Pull Request is just an Issue with code"
    comments, response, err := client.Issues.ListComments(
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    return comments, response, nil



func TestGetClient(t *testing.T) {
    client, ctx, err := GetClient(os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"), "https://example.com/api/v3/")
    c, r, err := GetPRComments(ctx, client)


type ClientProvider interface {
  GetClient(token string, url string) (*github.Client, context.Context, error)

在测试需要调用 GetClient 的单元时,请确保您依赖于您的 ClientProvider 接口:

func YourFunctionThatNeedsAClient(clientProvider ClientProvider) error {
  // build you token and url

  // get a github client
  client, ctx, err := clientProvider.GetClient(token, url)
  // do stuff with the client

  return nil


// A mock/stub client provider, set the client func in your test to mock the behavior
type MockClientProvider struct {
  GetClientFunc func(string, string) (*github.Client, context.Context, error)

// This will establish for the compiler that MockClientProvider can be used as the interface you created
func (provider *MockClientProvider) GetClient(token string, url string) (*github.Client, context.Context, error) {
  return provider.GetClientFunc(token, url)

// Your unit test
func TestYourFunctionThatNeedsAClient(t *testing.T) {
  mockGetClientFunc := func(token string, url string) (*github.Client, context.Context, error) {
    // do your setup here
    return nil, nil, nil // return something better than this

  mockClientProvider := &MockClientProvider{GetClientFunc: mockGetClientFunc}

  // Run your test
  err := YourFunctionThatNeedsAClient(mockClientProvider)

  // Assert your result

这些想法不是我自己的,我是从前人那里借来的; Mat Ryer 在关于“地道的 golang”的精彩视频中提出了这个(和其他想法)。

如果你想存根 github 客户端本身,可以使用类似的方法,如果 github.Client 是一个结构,你可以用一个接口隐藏它。如果已经是接口,上面的方法直接生效