使用 C++14 的正则表达式处理字符串

process a string using regular expression with C++14

我需要从 C++14 中的字符串中提取 3 个变量。字符串格式为:

a single uppercase char + `->` + a single uppercase char + `,` + a number

例如:A->B,100C->D,20000E->F,22。我想提取单个大写字符和数字,如 AB100。到目前为止,我可以编写一个标记化函数来通过多次调用 tokenized() 来分隔它们,如下所示:

vector<string> tokenize(const string& s, const char c)
    vector<string> splitted;
    auto ss = stringstream(s);
    string tmp;
    while(getline(ss, tmp, c)) { splitted.push_back(tmp); }
    return splitted;
// ...
t = tokenized(s, '')

但我想知道是否有更简单的方法来使用正则表达式提取这 3 个变量?我尝试了 \(A-Z.*?->\A-Z)\,\ 但显然我写错了正则表达式。




[A-Z]   single uppercase character
->      ->
[A-Z]   single uppercase character
,       ,
[0-9]+  whole number

请注意 [A-Z][0-9] 是字符 类,代表该特定字符范围内的任何大写字符或数字。

对于 C++ 中的正则表达式,您需要了解一件事:您需要自己对多个匹配项进行迭代。这是一个例子:

#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// if you're going to tokenize you might as well return tokens

struct token_t
    token_t(const std::string& f, const std::string& t, const unsigned long v) :
        from{ f },
        to{ t },
        value{ v }

    std::string from;
    std::string to;
    unsigned long value;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const token_t& token)
    os << "token : from = " << token.from << ", to = " << token.to << ", value = " << token.value << std::endl;
    return os;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<token_t>& tokens)
    std::cout << std::endl << "------------------ tokens ------------------" << std::endl;
    for (const auto& token : tokens)
        os << token;
    std::cout << "--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    return os;


auto tokenize(const std::string& s)
    static const std::regex rx{ "([A-Z])->([A-Z]),([0-9]+)" };
    std::smatch match;

    std::vector<token_t> tokens;
    auto from = s.cbegin();
    while (std::regex_search(from, s.cend(), match, rx))
        tokens.push_back({ match[1], match[2], std::stoul(match[3]) });
        from = match.suffix().first;

    return tokens;


int main()
    auto v1 = tokenize("A->B,100");
    auto v2 = tokenize("A->B,100, C->D,2000, E->F,22");

    std::cout << v1;
    std::cout << v2;

    return 0;