运行 python 在 Applescript 中异步

Run python in Applescript asynchronously

所以我想要一个 python 脚本在我的 AppleScript 的开头开始,而当它是 运行 时,我想做一些其他的事情。像这样:

set theResult to do shell script "python3 -c \"import time; time.sleep(60); print('finished waiting')\""

repeat with i from 1 to 60
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke (i as text) & ","
    delay 1
end repeat

return theResult 


有没有办法在 python 脚本“加载”时按键输入数字?

这是示例,它使用 osascript 并将结果重定向到 /dev/null 进行类似测试:

do shell script "osascript -e '
     repeat 5 times
      delay 2
   display notification \"TEST\"
    end repeat
' &> /dev/null &" -- [end shell script]

delay 1
repeat 5 times
    display notification "OTHER"
    delay 2
end repeat

其他示例 - 将结果重定向到临时文件,并在 shell 脚本终止后从中返回结果:

set tempPath to (POSIX path of (path to temporary items from user domain)) & "result.txt"

do shell script "osascript -e '
     repeat 5 times
      delay 2
   display notification \"TEST\"
    end repeat
return \"Loading finished\"
' &> " & tempPath & " &" -- [end shell script]

delay 1
repeat 5 times
    display notification "OTHER"
    delay 2
end repeat

set theResult to read (tempPath as POSIX file)

使用您问题中的现有 代码,尽管经过修改可以工作并且使用较少的时间进行测试,但以下工作:

示例 AppleScript 代码:

do shell script "python3 -c \"import time; time.sleep(5); print('finished waiting')\" &>/tmp/result &"

repeat with i from 1 to 5
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke (i as string) & ","
    delay 1
end repeat

return (read "/tmp/result")