CS50 可读性结果问题

CS50 readability result issue

我写了下面的代码来解决可读性实验室。 它编译得很好,没有问题。 问题在于结果,由于未知原因,它总是将 s_avg 计算为零。 s_avg is 100 个单词的平均句子数。

#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

int count_letters (string text);
int count_words(string text);
int count_sent(string text);

int main(void)
    // get the user to prompt part of the story
    string story = get_string("Text: \n");
    int letters = count_letters(story);
    int words = count_words(story);
    int sentences = count_sent(story);
    //show results
    printf("%i letter(s)\n",letters);
    printf("%i word(s)\n",words);
    printf("%i sentence(s)\n",sentences);
    // Calculate average number of letters & sentences per 100 words
    int l_avg = (letters/words)*100;
    int s_avg = (sentences/words)*100;
    // Calculate Coleman-Liau index
    int index = round(0.0588 * l_avg - 0.296 * s_avg - 15.8);
    // check grade level
        printf("Before Grade 1\n");
    else if(index>16)
        printf("Grade 16+\n");
        printf("Grade %i\n",index);

//count the number of letters
int count_letters (string text)
    int l = 0;
    for(int i=0,n=strlen(text); i<n; i++)

        if((text[i]>=97 && text[i]<=122)||(text[i]>=65 && text[i]<=90))

            l++ ;
    return l;

//count the number of words
int count_words(string text)
    int w = 1;
    for(int i=0,n=strlen(text); i<n; i++)
        if (text[i]==32)
            w++ ;
    return w ;

//count the number of sentences
int count_sent(string text)
    int s=0;
    for(int i=0,n=strlen(text); i<n; i++)
        if ((text[i]==46) || (text[i]==33) || (text[i]==63))
            s++ ;
    return s;

我不知道为什么它一直计算 int s_avg = (sentences/words)*100; 为零。 我意识到使用 debug50 工具。

要计算平均字母数和句子数,请改用 double 类型变量。

double l_avg = ((double)letters / (double)words)*100;
double s_avg = ((double)sentences / (double)words)*100;

C 中的整数除法结果是整数,而不是浮点数。您必须明确地将股息和除数转换为 float:

int i = 5 / 4;
printf("%d", i); // prints 1

float f = (float)5 / (float)4;
printf("%f", f); // prints 1.250000

所以,int s_avg = (sentences/words)*100 应该是:

float s_avg = (float)sentences / (float)words * 100;