
Graphs with mixed splines OR merge layers with different splines

我想创建一个包含 splines=linesplines=splines 的图表,类似于下图。

然而,为了实现这一点,我必须通过 RDiagrammeR 创建两个单独的图表,并使用 figpatchpatchwork 包将它们组合起来。

只用 graphviz 就可以吗?我不是 100% 确定,但我不认为它是……但只是想涵盖所有基础以确保。





图 1: 左边那个。

digraph dot {

    // splines = curved;
    node[fontname = arial, width=1.5, height=1.5, shape=circle, fontsize=50, style = filled, penwidth = 3];
    edge[fontname = arial, penwidth = 3.6, fontsize = 50]

    RItb0  [pos = "000,0", style = invis, fillcolor = palevioletred];
    RIpb0  [pos = "100,0", style = invis, fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    RIsi0  [pos = "200,0", style = invis, fillcolor = white];
    RIbhs0 [pos = "300,0", style = invis, fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    RIdep0 [pos = "400,0", style = invis, fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    RItb   [pos = "000,100", width = 3, height = 3, fillcolor = palevioletred];
    RIpb   [pos = "100,100", width = 3, height = 3, fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    RIsi   [pos = "200,100", width = 3, height = 3, fillcolor = white];
    RIbhs  [pos = "300,100", width = 3, height = 3, fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    RIdep  [pos = "400,100", width = 3, height = 3, fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    tb1    [pos = "000,200", style = invis, fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb1    [pos = "100,200", style = invis, fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si1    [pos = "200,200", style = invis, fillcolor = white];
    bhs1   [pos = "300,200", style = invis, fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep1   [pos = "400,200", style = invis, fillcolor = cadetblue3];

    {   edge [weight = 10, minlen = 4.0; style = invis, penwidth = 3];
        // Random Intercepts
        RItb0  -> RIpb0  ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIpb0  -> RIsi0  ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIsi0  -> RIbhs0 ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIbhs0 -> RIdep0 ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RItb   -> RIpb   ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIpb   -> RIsi   ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIsi   -> RIbhs  ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        RIbhs  -> RIdep  ; // [minlen = 4.0];
        tb1    -> pb1  ;
        pb1    -> si1  ;
        si1    -> bhs1 ;
        bhs1   -> dep1 ;

    // autogregrssive paths
    {   rank = same; RItb0  -> RItb  [style = invis, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = palevioletred, style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; RItb   -> tb1   [style = invis, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = palevioletred, style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; RIpb0  -> RIpb  [style = invis, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".28"]; }
    {   rank = same; RIpb   -> pb1   [style = invis, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".28"]; }
    {   rank = same; RIsi0  -> RIsi  [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, headlabel = ".35"]; }
    {   rank = same; RIsi   -> si1   [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, headlabel = ".35"]; }
    {   rank = same; RIbhs0 -> RIbhs [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".43"];}
    {   rank = same; RIbhs  -> bhs1  [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".43"];}
    {   rank = same; RIdep0 -> RIdep [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = cadetblue3; style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; RIdep  -> dep1  [style = invis, labelangle = 29.0, labeldistance = 4.3, minlen = 6, color = cadetblue3; style = invis]; }

    // cross-lagged paths
        edge[style = dashed, labeldistance = 4.3, labelfloat = false, constraint = true, minlen = 5]
        RIpb  -> RItb  [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".47"];
        RIpb  -> RIbhs [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".55"];
        RIpb  -> RIdep [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".67"];
        RItb  -> RIbhs [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".60"];
        RItb  -> RIdep [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".58"];
        RItb  -> RIsi  [penwidth = 9.5, dir = both, style = dashed, label = ".27"];
        RIbhs -> RIsi  [penwidth = 9.5, dir = both, style = dashed, label = ".31"];
        RIdep -> RIsi  [penwidth = 9.5, dir = both, style = dashed, label = ".37"];
        RIbhs -> RIdep [penwidth = 5, dir = both, label = ".62"];

图 2:右边那个。

digraph dot {
    splines = line;
    node[fontname = arial, width=1.5, height=1.5, shape=circle, fontsize=36, style = filled, penwidth = 3];
    edge[fontname = arial, penwidth = 3.6, fontsize = 28]

    tb1  [pos = "000,200", fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb1  [pos = "100,200", fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si1  [pos = "200,200", fillcolor = white];
    bhs1 [pos = "300,200", fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep1 [pos = "400,200", fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    tb2  [pos = "000,300", fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb2  [pos = "100,300", fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si2  [pos = "200,300", fillcolor = white];
    bhs2 [pos = "300,300", fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep2 [pos = "400,300", fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    tb3  [pos = "000,400", fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb3  [pos = "100,400", fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si3  [pos = "200,400", fillcolor = white];
    bhs3 [pos = "300,400", fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep3 [pos = "400,400", fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    tb4  [pos = "000,500", fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb4  [pos = "100,500", fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si4  [pos = "200,500", fillcolor = white];
    bhs4 [pos = "300,500", fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep4 [pos = "400,500", fillcolor = cadetblue3];
    tb5  [pos = "000,600", fillcolor = palevioletred];
    pb5  [pos = "100,600", fillcolor = darkseagreen3];
    si5  [pos = "200,600", fillcolor = white];
    bhs5 [pos = "300,600", fillcolor = mediumorchid3];
    dep5 [pos = "400,600", fillcolor = cadetblue3];

    {   edge [weight = 10, minlen = 4.0; style = invis, penwidth = 3];
        tb1   -> pb1  ;
        pb1   -> si1  ;
        si1   -> bhs1 ;
        bhs1  -> dep1 ;
        tb2   -> pb2  ;
        pb2   -> si2  ;
        si2   -> bhs2 ;
        bhs2  -> dep2 ;
        tb3   -> pb3  ;
        pb3   -> si3  ;
        si3   -> bhs3 ;
        bhs3  -> dep3 ;
        tb4   -> pb4  ;
        pb4   -> si4  ;
        si4   -> bhs4 ;
        bhs4  -> dep4 ;
        tb5   -> pb5  ;
        pb5   -> si5  ;
        si5   -> bhs5 ;
        bhs5  -> dep5 ;

    // autogregrssive paths
    {   rank = same; tb1   -> tb2  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = palevioletred, style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; tb2   -> tb3  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = palevioletred, headlabel = ".37"]; }
    {   rank = same; tb3   -> tb4  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = palevioletred, headlabel = ".28"]; }
    {   rank = same; tb4   -> tb5  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = palevioletred, headlabel = ".30"]; }
    {   rank = same; pb1   -> pb2  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".28"]; }
    {   rank = same; pb2   -> pb3  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = darkseagreen3; style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; pb3   -> pb4  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".30"]; }
    {   rank = same; pb4   -> pb5  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".45"]; }
    {   rank = same; si1   -> si2  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, style = bold, headlabel = ".35"]; }
    {   rank = same; si2   -> si3  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, style = bold, headlabel = ".25"]; }
    {   rank = same; si3   -> si4  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, style = bold; style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; si4   -> si5  [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, style = bold, headlabel = ".27"]; }
    {   rank = same; bhs1  -> bhs2 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".43"];}
    {   rank = same; bhs2  -> bhs3 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".49"]; }
    {   rank = same; bhs3  -> bhs4 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".50"]; }
    {   rank = same; bhs4  -> bhs5 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".48"]; }
    {   rank = same; dep1  -> dep2 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = cadetblue3; style = invis]; }
    {   rank = same; dep2  -> dep3 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = cadetblue3, headlabel = ".25"]; }
    {   rank = same; dep3  -> dep4 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = cadetblue3, headlabel = ".27"]; }
    {   rank = same; dep4  -> dep5 [labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, minlen = 16, color = cadetblue3, headlabel = ".37"]; }

    // cross-lagged paths
        edge[style = dashed, labelangle = -39.5, labeldistance = 3.6, labelfloat = true]
        ## [headlabel=<<table border="0" cellborder="0"><tr><td bgcolor="white">Head Label</td></tr></table>>,taillabel="Tail Label"]
        bhs1 -> pb2 [labelangle = 39.5, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".39"];
        bhs2 -> pb3 [labelangle = 39.5, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".25"];
        bhs3 -> pb4 [labelangle = 39.5, color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".31"];
        bhs3 -> si4 [color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".30"];
        bhs4 -> tb5 [color = mediumorchid3, headlabel = ".25"];
        dep4 -> pb5 [labelangle = 39.5, color = cadetblue3,    headlabel = ".26"];
        pb2 -> tb3  [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".25"];
        pb3 -> si4  [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".30"];
        pb3 -> dep4 [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".35"];
        pb3 -> bhs4 [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".28"];
        pb4 -> dep5 [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".30"];
        pb4 -> bhs5 [color = darkseagreen3, headlabel = ".27"];
        si1 -> bhs2 [headlabel = ".19"];
        si1 -> dep2 [headlabel = ".17"];
        si1 -> pb2  [headlabel = ".14"];
        si2 -> pb3  [headlabel = ".16"];
        tb2 -> si3  [color = palevioletred, headlabel = ".15"];

否 - splines 属性适用于整个图形,因此不能通过 Graphviz 工具的单次调用/传递来完成

是 - 将你的图表分成多个图表,每个集群分成自己的图表。每个(新)图形可以有不同的 样条曲线 值。 运行 每个(新)图形通过 dot -Tdot 分别确定每个图形的布局。 运行 这些结果通过 gvpack (https://www.graphviz.org/pdf/gvpack.1.pdf 2) to combine them into a single graph. And finally hand that to neato -n2 (https://graphviz.org/faq/#FaqDotWithNodeCoords) 生成输出文件。

for f in sub[12].gv;  # sub1.gv and sub2.gv are the two created graphs
  F=`basename $f .gv`;
  dot -T$T $f >$F.$T; 
  S="$S  $F.$T"; 
gvpack -array_i3  $S |
  neato -n2 -Tpng >O.png

注意 - 如有必要,可以通过 neato -n2 多次通过 运行 点格式图将不同的 样条曲线 值应用于各个边,每次更改 splines 值并删除单个边 pos 值。可能,但很乱。