如何检查上传和下载的文件是否与 cypress 具有相同的内容?

How can I check if uploaded and downloaded file have same content with cypress?


it.only(cfg.testname, () => {

    // 1. Login to website, navigate to desired webapge
    // 2. Upload the file
    // 3. Download the file

    // cy.wait(5000)
    // 4. Read the uploaded file:
    const fileContent = cy.fixture(_filePath)
    console.log('fixture file path', '======>', _filePath)
    console.log('fixture file content', '=====>', fileContent)
    // 5. Read the downloaded file:
    const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config("downloadsFolder")
    const downloadedFileContent = cy.readFile(path.join(downloadsFolder, _fileName))
    console.log('downloaded file path', '======>', path.join(downloadsFolder, fileName))
    console.log('downloaded file content','====>', downloadedFileContent)
    // 6. Check if they are equal:

然而,当我 运行 这个测试时,它甚至没有完成登录步骤并立即给出断言错误第 6 步,即 expect()...:

AssertionError: expected { Object (userInvocationStack, specWindow, ...) } to equal { 
Object (userInvocationStack, specWindow, ...) }
    at Context.eval (VM753 tests:224)

当我评论步骤 6 expect()... 时,它正确登录、上传文件和下载文件。所以,我觉得我应该让这个过程等到 expect()... 之前下载完成。所以我尝试取消注释 cy.wait(5000),但没有帮助。它仍然给我上面的错误(当然 expect()... 未注释)。

Q1. 为什么会出现这种行为?



使用 path.join(downloadsFolder, _fileName) 可能无法正常工作,因为它是一个 Node 命令,请替换为字符串模板

如果您有 JSON 格式的复杂文件,也可以尝试 .to.deep.eq

cy.fixture(_filePath).then(fileContent => {
  const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config("downloadsFolder")
  const downloadPath = `${downloadsFolder}/${_fileName}`
  cy.readFile(downloadPath).then(downloadedFileContent => { 
    // or may need deep
    // expect(downloadedFileContent).to.deep.eq(fileContent)   