运行 项目中的 Typedoc 包含来自 node_modules 的文件?

Running Typedoc on Project includes files from node_modules?

have this project 设置了 typedoc 和 npm 脚本 (npm run d) 用于工作:

"d": "typedoc --out doc --exclude **/*.spec.ts ./projects/fs-is/src/lib"

我将项目升级到 Angular 12(它使用 Angular 包格式),现在当 typedoc 为 运行 时,它包含来自 node_modules 的文件但失败了:

Error: node_modules/@types/eslint/index.d.ts:474:43 - error TS2694: Namespace '"/Users/oleersoy/Github/is/node_modules/@types/estree/index"' has no exported member 'ImportExpression'.

474         ImportExpression?: ((node: ESTree.ImportExpression & NodeParentExtension) => void) | undefined;             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


来自 Typedoc 合作者之一:

You see that error because the eslint and estree (parser that eslint relies on) have mismatched versions. I'd recommend making the versions match if possible, or turning on skipLibCheck.

我最终将 skipLibCheck 添加到 tsconfig.json 编译器选项,并修复了它。