K8s 如何使用法兰绒每个节点使用超过 254 pods 个?
K8s how to use more then 254 pods per node with flannel?
我试图在我的集群中为每个节点使用 500+ pods。我已经将 maxPods 设置为 1k,从节点信息我可以看到这是成功的。
但是,flannel 不允许我使用超过 254,因为它为 pods 使用 24 个子网,范围为 x.1 到 x.255。
有办法实现吗?我尝试将 pod-network-cidr 增加到 8,并且还像这样配置了 flannel net-conf,
"Network": "",
"SubnetLen": 16,
"SubnetMin": "",
"SubnetMax": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "host-gw"
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox
container "f5721f2419ad98fc8f26ad42f3f142a5733db38fefacc6d6f75cc38bd890233a" network for pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6": networkPlugin cni failed to set up
pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6_default" network: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set:
Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 8m18s (x80 over 30m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "7045913eb55f3fbae10fe42de5fe29de73848e0cf005e96fa61286cdb127bc7d" network for pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6": net
workPlugin cni failed to set up pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6_default" network: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set:
通过更改 kube-controller-manager 的 node-cidr-mask-size 解决。
将 --node-cidr-mask-size 16
传递给 kube-controller-manager 并将 --pod-network-cidr=
传递给 kubeadm。像下面的示例一样编辑 kube-flannel.yml、net-conf.json 数组。
export INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--flannel-conf "<path-to-your-flannel-configuration>" --cluster-cidr "" --kube-controller-manager-arg "node-cidr-mask-size=16"""
- 像下面的例子一样编辑你的 flannel 配置文件,然后照常安装 k3s。
"Network": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "vxlan"
我试图在我的集群中为每个节点使用 500+ pods。我已经将 maxPods 设置为 1k,从节点信息我可以看到这是成功的。
但是,flannel 不允许我使用超过 254,因为它为 pods 使用 24 个子网,范围为 x.1 到 x.255。
有办法实现吗?我尝试将 pod-network-cidr 增加到 8,并且还像这样配置了 flannel net-conf,
"Network": "",
"SubnetLen": 16,
"SubnetMin": "",
"SubnetMax": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "host-gw"
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox
container "f5721f2419ad98fc8f26ad42f3f142a5733db38fefacc6d6f75cc38bd890233a" network for pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6": networkPlugin cni failed to set up
pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6_default" network: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set:
Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 8m18s (x80 over 30m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "7045913eb55f3fbae10fe42de5fe29de73848e0cf005e96fa61286cdb127bc7d" network for pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6": net
workPlugin cni failed to set up pod "test-deployment-f69647ffc-2bgb6_default" network: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set:
通过更改 kube-controller-manager 的 node-cidr-mask-size 解决。
将 --node-cidr-mask-size 16
传递给 kube-controller-manager 并将 --pod-network-cidr=
传递给 kubeadm。像下面的示例一样编辑 kube-flannel.yml、net-conf.json 数组。
export INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--flannel-conf "<path-to-your-flannel-configuration>" --cluster-cidr "" --kube-controller-manager-arg "node-cidr-mask-size=16"""
- 像下面的例子一样编辑你的 flannel 配置文件,然后照常安装 k3s。
"Network": "",
"Backend": {
"Type": "vxlan"