在 Linux 中跨共享库调用保留数据

Persisting Data Across Shared Library Calls in Linux


我正在开发一个管理嵌入式以太网交换机的共享库。该库由各种开关感知管理应用程序调用,旨在成为设备的唯一接口。有问题的特定开关是为企业应用程序设计的,并期望控制 CPU 来管理大部分内部状态。为此,我需要存储 table 数据,这些数据将在来自不同应用程序的库的多次调用中持续存在。




(2) 由于我的库一直在加载和卸载,所以当所有调用退出时会发生什么?谁 "owns" 那个时候的内存还是泄漏了?

(3) 是否有更好的系统可以在我的库的多次调用中保持 struct 数组(我曾考虑过平面文件,但文件系统访问非常有限)。




我最终使用了 System-V "SHM-style" 共享内存。事实证明,这段内存与 运行 系统一起存储,直到它被明确删除(或系统重新启动)。我附加到它的任何进程只要它在附加时提供适当的密钥。


(1) 不,并不总是需要 运行 进程来保留内存,因为它与系统一起存储。

(2) 随着各种调用的进入/退出,共享内存段反复attached/detached。 None 这些行为导致记忆被破坏;它保留在系统中,直到明确删除。如果内存永远不删除,它就会泄漏。

(3) 如果有 更好的 解决方案,我无法回答,但是 System-V 共享内存非常容易设置并满足我的所有要求。



/* Attaches to a shared memory segment.  If the segment doesn't exist, it is
 * created.  If it does exist, it is attached and returned.  Semaphores are
 * expected to be handled by the caller.  Returns 0 on success and -errno
 * on failure.
 * Params:
 *   size  - Size of memory segment to create
 *   local - Pointer to attached memory region; populated by this function
int16_t shm_attach(u_int32_t size, void **local)
    key_t key;
    int shmid;

    // Create unique-ish key
    key = ftok("/path/to/any/file", 'Z');

    // Determine if shared segment already exists
    shmid = shmget(key, size, 0666 | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL);
    if (shmid == -1)
        if (errno == EEXIST)
            // Segment exists; attach to it and return
            printf("%s: SHM exists\n", __func__);
            shmid = shmget(key, size, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
            printf("%s: SHM ID = %d\n", __func__, shmid);
            *local = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
            return 0;

        } else
            // Unexpected error
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error while initializing shared memory: %d\n", __func__, -errno);
            return -errno;
    } else
        // Segment didn't exist and was created; initialize and return it
        printf("%s: SHM created\n", __func__);
        printf("%s: SHM ID = %d\n", __func__, shmid);
        *local = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);

        // Initialize shared memory with whatever contents you need here
        memset(*local, 0x00, size);
        // ...

        return 0;

/* Detaches from a shared memory segment.  Semaphores are expected to be
 * handled by caller.  Returns 0 on success and -errno on failure.
 * Params:
 *   addr  - Local address of shared memory segment
int16_t shm_detach(void *addr)
    if (shmdt(addr) == -1)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error detaching shared memory: %d\n", __func__, -errno);
        return -errno;

    return 0;

// Fill this in with your actual data types
typedef struct {
    int foo;
} your_shm_storage_t;

// Sample main with basic usage.  Not that this will never delete the SHM
// block so the memory will technically leak until the next reboot.  This
// is a sample, not the entire application.  =P
int main()
     sem_t *sem;
     your_shm_storage_t *shared;

    // Open shared memory
    sem = sem_open("/your_sem_name", O_CREAT, 0666, 1);
    shm_attach(sizeof(your_shm_storage_t), (void **)&shared);

    // Do stuff with shared memory
    printf("foo = %d\n", shared->foo);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;