Ramda 将参数应用于两个函数并将它们组合成无点

Ramda apply an argument to both functions and compose them point free

我有两个柯里化函数 fg:

f: a -> b -> c
g: a -> c -> d


h: a -> b -> d

目前我正在通过 pipe:

const h = a => pipe(f(a), g(a));




const h = converge(pipe, [f, g]);

由于某种原因,这不起作用。我想我没有正确理解 converge


我尝试了你建议的 Ori Drori,但它不起作用。

const modulo = divisor => dividend => dividend % divisor;

const maybeReduceByModulo = modulo => number =>
  number >= 0 ? number : number + modulo;

export const maybeReducedModulo = flip(ap)(modulo, maybeReduceByModulo);
 * Before:
 * export const maybeReducedModulo = divisor =>
 *   pipe(modulo(divisor), maybeReduceByModulo(divisor));

Ramda(免责声明:我是 Ramda 作者)无法直接提供可能需要的每个组合器。它确实包含其中的一些。但对于那些它不包含的内容,编写自己的版本通常是微不足道的。对我来说,最大的问题是命名。很难为他们想出名字,甚至那些 who resort to bird names 也只能为无限的可能性中的一小部分命名。

我在 Avaq 的 handy list of combinators, nor can I find :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> d or :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> c -> d) -> (a -> b -> d) on Hoogle 中找不到这个,这让我怀疑这是一个相当不常见的要求。但是,如果这是您的要求,请发明您自己的名字。


const foo = (f) => (g) => (x) => (y) => g (x) (f (x) (y))

const f = (a) => (b) => `f (${a}, ${b})`
const g = (a) => (c) => `g (${a}, ${c})`
const h = foo (f) (g)

console .log (h ('a') ('b'))

当然,您可以通过各种方式使用签名。 Ramda 的 curry 在这里可能会有所帮助。也许我们想要这个:

const foo = (f, g) => (x) => (y) => g (x) (f (x) (y))
const h = foo (f, g)


const foo = curry ((f, g) => curry ((x, y) => g (x) (f (x) (y))))
const h = foo (f, g)  // equivalent: `foo (f) (g)`
h ('a', 'b')          // equivalent: `h ('a') ('b')`

customcommander 的建议有效:

const f = (a) => (b) => `f (${a}, ${b})`
const g = (a) => (c) => `g (${a}, ${c})`
const h = compose (apply (pipe), ap ([f, g]), of)

console .log (h ('a') ('b'))
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.27.1/ramda.min.js"></script>
<script> const {compose, apply, pipe, ap, of} = R </script>

但我认为它不如更明确的 vanilla JS 版本那么容易理解。