使 ExtJS 按钮的 ariaLabel 内容成为动态的

Make ExtJS button's ariaLabel content to be dynamic

是否可以在 ExtJS 中使按钮的 aria-label 文本动态化?例如,我希望按钮的 aria-label 根据应用程序的上下文动态变化。

Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
    title: 'test title',
    viewModel: {
        data: {
            firstname: undefined
    items: [
            xtype: 'textField',
            fieldLabel: 'firstname'

            xtype: 'button',
            ariaLabel: 'open modal',// make this text dynamic
            text: 'SignIn',
            bind: {
                text: '{firstname}'


阅读 ariaAttributes 上面写着

Note that this config is only meaningful at the Component rendering time, and setting it after that will do nothing.
