python 中的模板化对象生成
Templated object generation in python
在 python 中实现模板化对象生成(不确定是这个名字)的好的设计模式是什么?
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')
def mk_templated_obj_factory(template: T) -> Callable[..., T]:
"""Returns a f(**kwargs) function that returns an object of type T created by a template of the same type."""
Python 有模板字符串。像“这{是}一个{模板}”.format 之类的东西将是如何实现上述目标的。如果我们想获得一个具有签名的“正确”函数(对用户有用,这样他们就知道他们需要提供什么参数!),我们可以这样做:
from inspect import signature, Signature, Parameter
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable
f = "hello {name} how are you {verb}?".format
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> Callable:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
names = filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
params = [Parameter(name=name, kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for name in names]
f.__signature__ = Signature(params)
return f
f = templated_string_func("hello {name} how are you {verb}?")
assert f(name='Christian', verb='doing') == 'hello Christian how are you doing?'
assert str(signature(f)) == '(*, name, verb)'
但是如果我们想建造 dict
g = templated_dict_func(template={'hello': '$name', 'how are you': ['$verb', 2]})
assert g(name='Christian', verb='doing') == {'hello': '$name', 'how are you': ['doing', 2]}
class Templater:
templater_registry: dict[type, Callable[[Any], TemplateFunc]] = {}
def register(cls, handles_type: type):
def decorator(f):
cls.templater_registry[handles_type] = f
return f
return decorator
其中 TemplateFunc
被定义为 Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
,生成器生成 str
s 和 returns 一个 returns 某种类型的函数 T
.这样选择是为了使模板处理程序可以生成它们的关键字参数的名称,然后 return 它们的模板函数。 Templater.template_func
方法使用 TemplateFunc
上面的 register
def templated_dict_func(template: dict[K, V]):
def templated_dict_func(template: dict[K, V]):
Templater.templater_registry[dict] = templated_dict_func
class Templater:
def template_func_generator(cls, template: T) -> TemplateFunc[T]:
# if it is a type that can be a template
if type(template) in cls.templater_registry:
# then return the template handler
template_factory = cls.templater_registry[type(template)]
return template_factory(template)
# else: an empty generator that returns a function that returns the template unchanged,
# since we don't know how to handle it
def just_return():
return lambda: template
yield # this yield is needed to tell python that this is a generator
return just_return()
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> TemplateFunc[str]:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
yield from filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
return f
def templated_list_func(template: list[T]) -> TemplateFunc[list[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
item_template_func = yield from Templater.template_func_generator(item)
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
for item_template_func in entries
return template_func
虽然,如果您不能保证每个模板函数都能处理额外的参数,您需要跟踪哪些参数属于哪些元素,并且只传递必要的参数。我使用 get_generator_return
效用函数(稍后定义)来捕获递归调用的产生值和 return 值。
def templated_list_func(template: list[T]) -> TemplateFunc[list[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
params, item_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(item))
params = tuple(params)
yield from params
entries.append((item_template_func, params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
item_template_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in args})
for item_template_func, args in entries
return template_func
处理程序的实现方式类似。该系统可以扩展以支持各种不同的对象,包括任意 dataclass
es 等等,但我将其留作 reader 的练习!
import string
from functools import partial
from inspect import Signature, Parameter
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable, Any, TypeVar, Generator, Tuple, Dict, List
from collections import namedtuple
T = TypeVar('T')
U = TypeVar('U')
def get_generator_return(gen: Generator[T, Any, U]) -> Tuple[Generator[T, Any, U], U]:
return_value = None
def inner():
nonlocal return_value
return_value = yield from gen
gen_items = list(inner())
def new_gen():
yield from gen_items
return return_value
return new_gen(), return_value
# TemplateFunc: TypeAlias = Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
TemplateFunc = Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
class Templater:
templater_registry: Dict[type, Callable[[Any], TemplateFunc]] = {}
def register(cls, handles_type: type):
def decorator(f):
cls.templater_registry[handles_type] = f
return f
return decorator
def template_func_generator(cls, template: T) -> TemplateFunc[T]:
if type(template) in cls.templater_registry:
template_factory = cls.templater_registry[type(template)]
return template_factory(template)
# an empty generator that returns a function that returns the template unchanged,
# since we don't know how to handle it
def just_return():
return lambda: template
yield # this yield is needed to tell python that this is a generator
return just_return()
def template_func(cls, template: T) -> Callable[..., T]:
gen = cls.template_func_generator(template)
params, f = get_generator_return(gen)
f.__signature__ = Signature(Parameter(name=param, kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for param in params)
return f
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> TemplateFunc[str]:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
yield from filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
return f
K = TypeVar('K')
V = TypeVar('V')
def templated_dict_func(template: Dict[K, V]) -> TemplateFunc[Dict[K, V]]:
DictEntryInfo = namedtuple('DictEntryInfo', ['key_func', 'value_func', 'key_args', 'value_args'])
entries: list[DictEntryInfo] = []
for key, value in template.items():
key_params, key_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(key))
value_params, value_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(value))
key_params = tuple(key_params)
value_params = tuple(value_params)
yield from key_params
yield from value_params
entries.append(DictEntryInfo(key_template_func, value_template_func, key_params, value_params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return {
entry_info.key_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in entry_info.key_args}):
entry_info.value_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in entry_info.value_args})
for entry_info in entries
return template_func
def templated_list_func(template: List[T]) -> TemplateFunc[List[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
params, item_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(item))
params = tuple(params)
yield from params
entries.append((item_template_func, params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
item_template_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in args})
for item_template_func, args in entries
return template_func
g = Templater.template_func(template={'hello': '{name}', 'how are you': ['{verb}', 2]})
assert g(name='Christian', verb='doing') == {'hello': 'Christian', 'how are you': ['doing', 2]}
在 python 中实现模板化对象生成(不确定是这个名字)的好的设计模式是什么?
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')
def mk_templated_obj_factory(template: T) -> Callable[..., T]:
"""Returns a f(**kwargs) function that returns an object of type T created by a template of the same type."""
Python 有模板字符串。像“这{是}一个{模板}”.format 之类的东西将是如何实现上述目标的。如果我们想获得一个具有签名的“正确”函数(对用户有用,这样他们就知道他们需要提供什么参数!),我们可以这样做:
from inspect import signature, Signature, Parameter
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable
f = "hello {name} how are you {verb}?".format
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> Callable:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
names = filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
params = [Parameter(name=name, kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for name in names]
f.__signature__ = Signature(params)
return f
f = templated_string_func("hello {name} how are you {verb}?")
assert f(name='Christian', verb='doing') == 'hello Christian how are you doing?'
assert str(signature(f)) == '(*, name, verb)'
但是如果我们想建造 dict
g = templated_dict_func(template={'hello': '$name', 'how are you': ['$verb', 2]})
assert g(name='Christian', verb='doing') == {'hello': '$name', 'how are you': ['doing', 2]}
class Templater:
templater_registry: dict[type, Callable[[Any], TemplateFunc]] = {}
def register(cls, handles_type: type):
def decorator(f):
cls.templater_registry[handles_type] = f
return f
return decorator
其中 TemplateFunc
被定义为 Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
,生成器生成 str
s 和 returns 一个 returns 某种类型的函数 T
.这样选择是为了使模板处理程序可以生成它们的关键字参数的名称,然后 return 它们的模板函数。 Templater.template_func
方法使用 TemplateFunc
上面的 register
def templated_dict_func(template: dict[K, V]):
def templated_dict_func(template: dict[K, V]):
Templater.templater_registry[dict] = templated_dict_func
class Templater:
def template_func_generator(cls, template: T) -> TemplateFunc[T]:
# if it is a type that can be a template
if type(template) in cls.templater_registry:
# then return the template handler
template_factory = cls.templater_registry[type(template)]
return template_factory(template)
# else: an empty generator that returns a function that returns the template unchanged,
# since we don't know how to handle it
def just_return():
return lambda: template
yield # this yield is needed to tell python that this is a generator
return just_return()
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> TemplateFunc[str]:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
yield from filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
return f
def templated_list_func(template: list[T]) -> TemplateFunc[list[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
item_template_func = yield from Templater.template_func_generator(item)
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
for item_template_func in entries
return template_func
虽然,如果您不能保证每个模板函数都能处理额外的参数,您需要跟踪哪些参数属于哪些元素,并且只传递必要的参数。我使用 get_generator_return
效用函数(稍后定义)来捕获递归调用的产生值和 return 值。
def templated_list_func(template: list[T]) -> TemplateFunc[list[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
params, item_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(item))
params = tuple(params)
yield from params
entries.append((item_template_func, params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
item_template_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in args})
for item_template_func, args in entries
return template_func
处理程序的实现方式类似。该系统可以扩展以支持各种不同的对象,包括任意 dataclass
es 等等,但我将其留作 reader 的练习!
import string
from functools import partial
from inspect import Signature, Parameter
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable, Any, TypeVar, Generator, Tuple, Dict, List
from collections import namedtuple
T = TypeVar('T')
U = TypeVar('U')
def get_generator_return(gen: Generator[T, Any, U]) -> Tuple[Generator[T, Any, U], U]:
return_value = None
def inner():
nonlocal return_value
return_value = yield from gen
gen_items = list(inner())
def new_gen():
yield from gen_items
return return_value
return new_gen(), return_value
# TemplateFunc: TypeAlias = Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
TemplateFunc = Generator[str, None, Callable[..., T]]
class Templater:
templater_registry: Dict[type, Callable[[Any], TemplateFunc]] = {}
def register(cls, handles_type: type):
def decorator(f):
cls.templater_registry[handles_type] = f
return f
return decorator
def template_func_generator(cls, template: T) -> TemplateFunc[T]:
if type(template) in cls.templater_registry:
template_factory = cls.templater_registry[type(template)]
return template_factory(template)
# an empty generator that returns a function that returns the template unchanged,
# since we don't know how to handle it
def just_return():
return lambda: template
yield # this yield is needed to tell python that this is a generator
return just_return()
def template_func(cls, template: T) -> Callable[..., T]:
gen = cls.template_func_generator(template)
params, f = get_generator_return(gen)
f.__signature__ = Signature(Parameter(name=param, kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for param in params)
return f
def templated_string_func(template: str) -> TemplateFunc[str]:
"""A function making templated strings. Like template.format, but with a signature"""
f = partial(str.format, template)
yield from filter(None, map(itemgetter(1), string.Formatter().parse(template)))
return f
K = TypeVar('K')
V = TypeVar('V')
def templated_dict_func(template: Dict[K, V]) -> TemplateFunc[Dict[K, V]]:
DictEntryInfo = namedtuple('DictEntryInfo', ['key_func', 'value_func', 'key_args', 'value_args'])
entries: list[DictEntryInfo] = []
for key, value in template.items():
key_params, key_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(key))
value_params, value_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(value))
key_params = tuple(key_params)
value_params = tuple(value_params)
yield from key_params
yield from value_params
entries.append(DictEntryInfo(key_template_func, value_template_func, key_params, value_params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return {
entry_info.key_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in entry_info.key_args}):
entry_info.value_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in entry_info.value_args})
for entry_info in entries
return template_func
def templated_list_func(template: List[T]) -> TemplateFunc[List[T]]:
entries = []
for item in template:
params, item_template_func = get_generator_return(Templater.template_func_generator(item))
params = tuple(params)
yield from params
entries.append((item_template_func, params))
def template_func(**kwargs):
return [
item_template_func(**{arg: kwargs[arg] for arg in args})
for item_template_func, args in entries
return template_func
g = Templater.template_func(template={'hello': '{name}', 'how are you': ['{verb}', 2]})
assert g(name='Christian', verb='doing') == {'hello': 'Christian', 'how are you': ['doing', 2]}