在 python 中替换 JSON 个关键值和分解值

Replace JSON Key Values and Break up values in python

我有一组如下所示的 ndJOSN 数据集:

   {'ADDRESS_CITY': 'Whittier', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': '905 Greenleaf Avenue', 'ADDRESS_STATE': 'CA', 'ADDRESS_ZIP': '90402',},
   {'ADDRESS_CITY': 'Cedar Falls', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': '93323 Maplewood Dr', 'ADDRESS_STATE': 'CA', 'ADDRESS_ZIP': '95014'}

我需要将上面的值传递到 api 请求中,特别是以下格式的正文。

            "addressee":"Greenleaf Avenue",
            "street":"905 Greenleaf Avenue",
            "street":"Maplewood Dr",
            "city":"Cedar Falls",

如您所见,密钥不同,因此我需要更改密钥以与正确的数据对齐,并将它们与新的密钥名称一起传递(即 address_line_1 转到收件人)- 并且此请求中将包含 10k 个地址。

我在第一个示例中没有注意到它,但每个地址都有一个 ID - 我必须删除才能发出请求,然后重新添加。 所以我最终解决了下面的问题 - 任何更多的 pythonic,这些对我来说感觉不是那么 eloquent...?

addresses = ndjson.loads(addresses)
data = json.loads(json.dumps(addresses).replace('"ADDRESS_CITY"','"city"').replace('"ADDRESS_LINE_1"','"street"').replace('"ADDRESS_STATE"','"state"').replace('"ADDRESS_ZIP"','"zipcode"'))
ids = []
for i in data:
    i['candidates'] = 1
    del i["ID"]

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=data)

resp_data = response.json()

a = 0
for i in resp_data:
    i['ID'] = ids[a]
    x = i['ID'] = ids[a]
    a = a + 1


translations = {
"ADDRESS_CITY": "city"} # etc
input_data = ... # your data here
data = [{translations[k]: v for k, v in row.items()} for row in input_data]

如果您想让事情变得更轻松一些,我建议您使用 data classes 对您的输入数据建模。这样做的主要好处是您可以使用点 . 访问属性,并且您不需要使用具有动态键的字典。您还可以从类型提示中受益,因此您的 IDE 也应该能够更好地帮助您。

在这种情况下,我建议将它与 JSON 序列化库配对,例如 dataclass-wizard,它实际上完美地支持这个用例。从最新版本 - v0.15.0 开始,它应该还支持从序列化/转储过程中排除字段。


import json
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
# note: for python 3.9+, you can import this from `typing` instead
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from dataclass_wizard import JSONWizard, json_key

class AddressInfo(JSONWizard):
    AddressInfo dataclass

    city: Annotated[str, json_key('ADDRESS_CITY')]
    street: Annotated[str, json_key('ADDRESS_LINE_1')]
    state: Annotated[str, json_key('ADDRESS_STATE')]

    # pass `dump=False`, so we exclude the field in serialization.
    id: Annotated[int, json_key('ID', dump=False)]

    # you could also annotate the below like `Union[str, int]`
    # if you want to retain it as a string.
    zipcode: Annotated[int, json_key('ADDRESS_ZIP')]

    # exclude this field from the constructor (and from the
    # de-serialization process)
    candidates: int = field(default=1, init=False)


input_obj = [{'ADDRESS_CITY': 'Whittier', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': '905 Greenleaf Avenue',
              'ADDRESS_STATE': 'CA', 'ADDRESS_ZIP': '90402',
              'ID': 111},
             {'ADDRESS_CITY': 'Cedar Falls', 'ADDRESS_LINE_1': '93323 Maplewood Dr',
              'ADDRESS_STATE': 'CA', 'ADDRESS_ZIP': '95014',
              'ID': 222}]

addresses = AddressInfo.from_list(input_obj)

print('-- Addresses')
for a in addresses:

out_list = [a.to_dict() for a in addresses]

print('-- To JSON')
print(json.dumps(out_list, indent=2))

# alternatively, with the latest version (0.15.1)
# print(AddressInfo.list_to_json(addresses, indent=2))

注意:您仍然可以正常访问每个地址的 id,即使 JSON 结果中省略了该字段。