如何使用 laravel-mix 添加 Bootstrap、jQuery 和 popper.js 到 Laravel 8 项目?
How to add Bootstrap, jQuery, and popper.js to Laravel 8 project using laravel-mix?
据我了解,以下命令应安装 Bootstrap、jQuery 和 popper.js:
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui bootstrap
npm install && npm run dev
在 运行 这些命令之后,我现在可以使用 Bootstrap class 名称,但我不能使用 jQuery。当我尝试添加一些 jQuery 代码时,出现以下错误:Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
我在文档的开头添加了 <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
和 <link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="da">
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
$(document).ready(function () {
确保您的 <script>
标签中没有 defer
导入 app.js
这通常会导致 Laravel Mix 出现 $ is not defined
我在使用 laravel/ui
安装和使用软件包时遇到了很多问题。它安装的 bootstrap 版本也已过时,因为它只有 4.6 版,最新版本是,截至今天:5.1.1 (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases),所以我决定尝试自己安装软件包, 最后一切正常。
#We do this because it will take care of a lot of things for us
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui bootstrap
#And now we upgrade bootstrap and add new popper.js version
npm install bootstrap@latest @popperjs/core --save-dev
这应该安装所有 node_modules,包括 bootstrap v. 5.1.1、jquery v. 3.6、@popperjs/core v. 2.10.2 和 package.json 现在看起来像这样:
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "npm run development",
"development": "mix",
"watch": "mix watch",
"watch-poll": "mix watch -- --watch-options-poll=1000",
"hot": "mix watch --hot",
"prod": "npm run production",
"production": "mix --production"
"devDependencies": {
"@popperjs/core": "^2.10.2",
"axios": "^0.21",
"bootstrap": "^5.1.1",
"jquery": "^3.6",
"laravel-mix": "^6.0.6",
"lodash": "^4.17.19",
"popper.js": "^1.16.1",
"postcss": "^8.1.14",
"sass": "^1.32.11",
"sass-loader": "^11.0.1"
现在在 resources/js/bootstrap.js 中,我更改了代码,现在看起来像这样:
window._ = require('lodash');
* We'll load jQuery and the Bootstrap jQuery plugin which provides support
* for JavaScript based Bootstrap features such as modals and tabs. This
* code may be modified to fit the specific needs of your application.
try {
window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');
window.Popper = require('@popperjs/core');
window.bootstrap = require('bootstrap');
} catch (e) {}
* We'll load the axios HTTP library which allows us to easily issue requests
* to our Laravel back-end. This library automatically handles sending the
* CSRF token as a header based on the value of the "XSRF" token cookie.
window.axios = require('axios');
window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
npm run dev
现在一切正常。这是一个示例 HTML/JS 页面,将它们全部用于测试
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>jQuery, popper.js, and Bootstrap</title>
{{-- Load compiled CSS --}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href={{ asset('css/app.css') }}>
{{-- popper.js CSS example --}}
#tooltip {
background: #333;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 13px;
border-radius: 4px;
{{-- Test Bootstrap css --}}
<div class="alert alert-success mt-5" role="alert">
Boostrap 5 is working using laravel 8 mix!
{{-- popper.js HTML example --}}
<button id="button" aria-describedby="tooltip">My button</button>
<div id="tooltip" role="tooltip">My tooltip</div>
{{-- Load compiled Javascript --}}
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
//Test jQuery
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log('jQuery works!');
//Test bootstrap Javascript
//Test popper.js
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
const tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
const popperInstance = Popper.createPopper(button, tooltip);
据我了解,以下命令应安装 Bootstrap、jQuery 和 popper.js:
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui bootstrap
npm install && npm run dev
在 运行 这些命令之后,我现在可以使用 Bootstrap class 名称,但我不能使用 jQuery。当我尝试添加一些 jQuery 代码时,出现以下错误:Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
我在文档的开头添加了 <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
和 <link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="da">
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
$(document).ready(function () {
确保您的 <script>
标签中没有 defer
导入 app.js
这通常会导致 Laravel Mix 出现 $ is not defined
我在使用 laravel/ui
安装和使用软件包时遇到了很多问题。它安装的 bootstrap 版本也已过时,因为它只有 4.6 版,最新版本是,截至今天:5.1.1 (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases),所以我决定尝试自己安装软件包, 最后一切正常。
#We do this because it will take care of a lot of things for us
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui bootstrap
#And now we upgrade bootstrap and add new popper.js version
npm install bootstrap@latest @popperjs/core --save-dev
这应该安装所有 node_modules,包括 bootstrap v. 5.1.1、jquery v. 3.6、@popperjs/core v. 2.10.2 和 package.json 现在看起来像这样:
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "npm run development",
"development": "mix",
"watch": "mix watch",
"watch-poll": "mix watch -- --watch-options-poll=1000",
"hot": "mix watch --hot",
"prod": "npm run production",
"production": "mix --production"
"devDependencies": {
"@popperjs/core": "^2.10.2",
"axios": "^0.21",
"bootstrap": "^5.1.1",
"jquery": "^3.6",
"laravel-mix": "^6.0.6",
"lodash": "^4.17.19",
"popper.js": "^1.16.1",
"postcss": "^8.1.14",
"sass": "^1.32.11",
"sass-loader": "^11.0.1"
现在在 resources/js/bootstrap.js 中,我更改了代码,现在看起来像这样:
window._ = require('lodash');
* We'll load jQuery and the Bootstrap jQuery plugin which provides support
* for JavaScript based Bootstrap features such as modals and tabs. This
* code may be modified to fit the specific needs of your application.
try {
window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');
window.Popper = require('@popperjs/core');
window.bootstrap = require('bootstrap');
} catch (e) {}
* We'll load the axios HTTP library which allows us to easily issue requests
* to our Laravel back-end. This library automatically handles sending the
* CSRF token as a header based on the value of the "XSRF" token cookie.
window.axios = require('axios');
window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
npm run dev
现在一切正常。这是一个示例 HTML/JS 页面,将它们全部用于测试
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>jQuery, popper.js, and Bootstrap</title>
{{-- Load compiled CSS --}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href={{ asset('css/app.css') }}>
{{-- popper.js CSS example --}}
#tooltip {
background: #333;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 13px;
border-radius: 4px;
{{-- Test Bootstrap css --}}
<div class="alert alert-success mt-5" role="alert">
Boostrap 5 is working using laravel 8 mix!
{{-- popper.js HTML example --}}
<button id="button" aria-describedby="tooltip">My button</button>
<div id="tooltip" role="tooltip">My tooltip</div>
{{-- Load compiled Javascript --}}
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
//Test jQuery
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log('jQuery works!');
//Test bootstrap Javascript
//Test popper.js
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
const tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
const popperInstance = Popper.createPopper(button, tooltip);