Azure 数据工厂中的新 features/changes 如何可用?

How do new features/changes in azure data factory become available?

假设我今天开始使用 Azure 数据工厂,在某个时候该工具可能会看到改进或其他变化。请注意,我不是在谈论我在该工具中所做的事情,而是在谈论数据工厂本身。我将如何使用这些更改?

  1. 我能在变化发生之前看到它们吗(以及多长时间)?
  2. 如果我不喜欢新版本或尚未完成测试(例如安全测试),我可以继续使用旧版本吗?
  3. 是否有任何迹象表明更改的推出频率? (每年,每天 10 次)


我怀疑人们对许多类似的工具都有这个问题,所以尽管我此时对 Azure 数据工厂特别感兴趣,但我想指出答案是否适用于其他类型的解决方案(在 Azure 中或可能在 Azure 中)对其他供应商来说甚至是相似的)会很有用。

Suppose I start using Azure Data Factory today, at some point the tool is likely to see improvements or other changes. Note that I am not talking about what I do inside the tool, but I am talking about the Data Factory itself. How will these changes become available to me?

Will I be able to look at the changes before they happen (and how long)?

您谈论的是托管解决方案,所以我期待持续不断的(小的)修复和改进。也就是说,通常会针对各种 Azure 产品宣布更改。参见 ADF updates


Is there any indication of how often changes are rolled out? (Every year, 10x per day)


Will I be able to stay on an old version if I do not like the new one or have not finished testing (e.g. security testing)?

同样,这是我们正在谈论的托管云服务。它不是可安装的产品,您可以决定永远使用旧版本。他们会推动改变,你必须希望它会变得更好 ;-)

I suspect that people have this question for many similar tools, so though I am specifically interested in the Azure Data Factory at this time, an indication of whether the answer applies to other types of solutions (within Azure or perhaps it is even similar for other vendors) would be useful.

每个公司的每个(类型)产品都会有所不同。对于大多数 Azure 服务,答案都是一样的。