在 Dagger2 中使用 named 注入具有不同字段的相同 class 的两个对象

Inject two objects of the same class with different fields using named in Dagger2

假设我有矩形 class 实现形状接口

class Rectangle @Inject constructor(private val id: String) : Shape {
    override fun info() {
        Log.d("Rectangle", "I am rectangle!, My id is $id")

interface Shape {
    fun info()

使用@Named 提供两个具有不同 id 的相同 class 对象的一种方法是在我的模块中:

class AppModule {

    fun provideId1(): Shape {
        return Rectangle("Id1")

    fun provideId2(): Shape {
        return Rectangle("Id2")

这样我就可以在我的 mainactivity 中注入两个矩形对象

    lateinit var rect1: Shape

    lateinit var rect2: Shape

但是我希望我的模块看起来有点不同。在其中,我想为对象提供形状和使用 @named 构造函数参数。我有的是:

class AppModule {

    fun provideId1(@Named("id1") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)

    fun provideId2(@Named("id2") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)

    fun provideId1(): String {
        return "ABC"

    fun provideId2(): String {
        return "XYZ"



class AppModule {

    fun provideId1(@Named("id1") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)

    fun provideId2(@Named("id2") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)


不过,我会选择 simpler/cleaner 这样的东西:


@Module(includes = [RectangleNamed1ProvidingModule::class])
internal interface RectangleNamed1Module {

    fun bindRectangle(rectangle: Rectangle): Shape

internal object RectangleNamed1ProvidingModule {

    fun provideRectangle(
        @Named("id1") stringId: String
    ): Rectangle = Rectangle(stringId)

然后您可以...根据需要多次复制粘贴此模块,然后稍微更改命名 dependencies/parameters 仅此而已。

您可以将其用作 RectangleNamed1Module 和 RectangleNamed2Module,然后将这两个模块作为您的 AppModule 的依赖项。无论您尝试注入两个名为“Shape1”和“Shape2”的 shapes/rectangles 都应该有效,对吧?


Aha, i got it. I think. They can't be in the same module. The reason is: while the module is being processed, it will provide named strings, but they will not be in the graph to meet the criteria for providing the rectangle-providing methods with those named parameters. You will need to move string-providing methods to a different module, and make your AppModule use it as a dependency. Then it should work. However, this is just a best-effort guess


@Module(include = StringProvidingModule::class)
class AppModule {

    fun provideId1(@Named("id1") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)

    fun provideId2(@Named("id2") id: String): Shape {
        return Rectangle(id)

class StringProvidingModule {

    fun provideId1(): String {
        return "ABC"

    fun provideId2(): String {
        return "XYZ"