Is there a way to verify two generic formals are the same type if one is incomplete?
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
type T_Access is access T;
type Instance is tagged record
Thing : T_Access := null;
end record;
end Parent;
子包中是否有一种方法可以确保作为通用形式传递给子包的类型与 Parent.T 的类型相同(甚至是其后代)?例如,考虑通用子包:
type T(<>) is new Base with private;
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
package body Parent.Child is
function To_Parent(Source : T_Access) return Parent.T_Access is
-- here is where I need to be able to safely convert
-- an access to the complete type to an access to the
-- incomplete type. I can used Unchecked_Conversion,
-- but that goes south if someone passes in a type to
-- Parent.Child that is not the same as Parent. If
-- I could know that Parent.Child.T is a descendant of
-- Parent.T, I could just convert it (I think??).
end To_Parent;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance is
return (Thing => To_Parent(Ref);
end Make;
end Parent.Child;
其中 Base 是一些基本标记类型。您可以使用以下内容作为占位符:
type Base is tagged limited null record;
我正在寻找一种编译时或运行时的方法来验证 Parent.Child 内部 Parent.Child.T 与 Parent.T 相同(或者即使 Parent.Child.T 是 Parent.T.
package body Parent.Child is
-- other stuff
if Child.T not in Parent.T then
raise Storage_Error with "Invalid type passed to child package";
end if;
end Parent.Child;
但这只会导致 GNAT 错误:
premature usage of incomplete type "T"
因为Parent.T不完整。这里的目的是创建一个可以与不完整类型一起使用的自动内存管理框架,因此父包提供大部分功能,而子包可以稍后实例化并添加需要完整类型信息的功能(如 construction/deallocation).然后你可以做这样的声明:
type Test is tagged;
package B is new Parent(Test);
type Test is new Base with record
Thing : Parent.Instance;
end record;
package M is new B.Child(Test);
------------------------ Base Package ----------------------------
package Base is
type Instance is tagged limited null record;
end Base;
----------------------- Parent Package ---------------------------
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
type T_Access is access T;
type Instance is tagged record
Thing : T_Access := null;
end record;
end Parent;
------------------------ Child Package ---------------------------
with Base;
type T(<>) is new Base.Instance with private;
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body Parent.Child is
-- Used later in code not shown, but needed
-- and requires Child.T to be complete.
procedure Finalize is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Object => T,
Name => T_Access);
function To_Parent is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => Child.T_Access,
Target => Parent.T_Access);
-- This is where things get IFFY. I do unchecked conversions here.
-- If Parent.T is not equal to Parent.Child.T, then this can go bad
-- really fast. If there was a way to verify the types were the same,
-- then I could safely do this. Or if there was a way for me to
-- verify that Parent.Child.T was a descendant of Parent.T, then
-- I could just convert them without unchecked_conversion.
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance is
(Thing => To_Parent(Ref));
end Parent.Child;
---------------------------- Main -------------------------------
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Base;
with Parent;
with Parent.Child;
procedure Main is
type Test is tagged;
package P is new Parent(Test);
type Test is new Base.Instance with record
Thing : P.Instance;
end record;
package PC is new P.Child(Test);
Thing : P.Instance := PC.Make(new Test);
end Main;
此答案的先前版本忽略了 Jere 需要它为 formal incomplete types, which were introduced with AI05-0213 工作的事实。
该 AI 的一个(主要?)用例是在某些情况下更容易创建签名包(参见 Ada 2012 Rationale, section 4.3)。所以,这是一个使用签名包的产品——不知道它是否满足所需的用例。
type T is tagged;
package Signature is
end Signature;
with Signature;
type T is tagged private;
with package Sig is new Signature (T);
package Parent is
subtype Parent_T is T;
Instance : T;
end Parent;
type T is new Parent.Parent_T with private;
with package Sig is new Signature (T);
package Parent.Child is
end Parent.Child;
with Signature;
with Parent.Child;
package User is
type Base is tagged null record;
procedure Proc (Param : Base);
package Sig_For_Parent is new Signature (T => Base);
package For_Parent is new Parent (T => Base, Sig => Sig_For_Parent);
-- this is OK
type Extension is new Base with null record;
procedure Proc (Param : Extension);
package Sig_For_Child is new Signature (T => Extension);
package For_Child
is new For_Parent.Child (T => Extension, Sig => Sig_For_Child);
-- this fails
type Wrong is tagged null record; -- not in Base'Class
package Sig_For_Wrong is new Signature (T => Wrong);
package For_Wrong
is new For_Parent.Child (T => Wrong, Sig => Sig_For_Wrong);
end User;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body User is
procedure Proc (Param : Base) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Base_P's Proc called.");
end Proc;
procedure Proc (Param : Extension) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Extension_P's Proc called.");
end Proc;
end User;
with User;
procedure Test is
Var : User.Extension;
end Test;
在 Rationale chapter 的末尾,行
(If this is all too confusing, do not worry, the compiler will moan at you if you make a mistake.)
确实如此。我在玩弄这段代码时发现,它并不能很好地告诉你 是什么错误 .
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Foo is
end Foo;
with Foo;
type T(<>) is tagged private;
with package Foo_Instance is new Foo(T); --package parameter
package Bar is
end Bar;
with Foo;
with Bar;
package Baz is
type Base is tagged;
package Base_Foo is new Foo(Base);
type Base is tagged null record;
package Base_Bar is new Bar(Base, Base_Foo);
type Extension is new Base with null record;
package Extension_Bar is new Bar(Extension, Base_Foo); -- fails!
end Baz;
所以我从 Simon Wright 的回答中得到了一些灵感,其中包括一个签名包。这本身还不够,但它是最终解决方案的必要组成部分。基本上,由于 Ada 不提供验证两个通用形式类型是否相同的方法,我使用一个单独的包在 运行 时间通过为给定类型生成一个唯一 ID 来提供该功能,将该包传递给Parent 和 Parent.Child 包,并在 Parent.Child 主体内,验证包的两个实例是否具有相同的 ID(因此是相同的包)。下面提供了一个示例:
package Type_ID is
type ID is limited private;
function "="(L,R : ID) return Boolean;
type Item_Type(<>);
package Unique_ID is
function Get_ID return ID;
end Unique_ID;
-- Implement ID however you wish, just needs to be a unique ID for
-- each package instantiation
end Type_ID;
with Type_ID;
with package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(<>);
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
-- private stuff
end Parent;
并且 Parent.Child 包规范已更新为:
with Base;
type T(<>) is new Base.Instance with private;
with package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(T);
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
最后是验证类型相同的部分。由于 Parent 和 Parent.Child 都采用 Type_ID.Unique_ID(<>) 的实例,我们只需要通过比较包内 Get_ID 函数的输出来确保它们是相同的实例Parent.Child 的正文:
package body Parent.Child is
-- Other implementation stuff
use all type Type_ID.ID;
if Parent.ID.Get_ID /= Parent.Child.ID.Get_ID then
raise Program_Error with "Invalid type passed to child package";
end if;
end Parent.Child;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Type_ID;
with Base;
with Parent;
with Parent.Child;
procedure Main is
type Test is tagged;
package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(Test);
package P is new Parent(ID);
type Test is new Base.Instance with record
Thing : P.Instance;
end record;
package PC is new P.Child(Test,ID);
Thing : P.Instance := PC.Make(new Test);
end Main;
is there a way in a child package to ensure a type passed into the
child as a generic formal is the same type as (or even a descendant
of) Parent.T?
Type Parent(<>) is tagged private;
Package Example is
End Example;
Type Descendant(<>) is new Parent with private;
Package Example.Child is
End Example.Child;
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
type T_Access is access T;
type Instance is tagged record
Thing : T_Access := null;
end record;
end Parent;
子包中是否有一种方法可以确保作为通用形式传递给子包的类型与 Parent.T 的类型相同(甚至是其后代)?例如,考虑通用子包:
type T(<>) is new Base with private;
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
package body Parent.Child is
function To_Parent(Source : T_Access) return Parent.T_Access is
-- here is where I need to be able to safely convert
-- an access to the complete type to an access to the
-- incomplete type. I can used Unchecked_Conversion,
-- but that goes south if someone passes in a type to
-- Parent.Child that is not the same as Parent. If
-- I could know that Parent.Child.T is a descendant of
-- Parent.T, I could just convert it (I think??).
end To_Parent;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance is
return (Thing => To_Parent(Ref);
end Make;
end Parent.Child;
其中 Base 是一些基本标记类型。您可以使用以下内容作为占位符:
type Base is tagged limited null record;
我正在寻找一种编译时或运行时的方法来验证 Parent.Child 内部 Parent.Child.T 与 Parent.T 相同(或者即使 Parent.Child.T 是 Parent.T.
package body Parent.Child is
-- other stuff
if Child.T not in Parent.T then
raise Storage_Error with "Invalid type passed to child package";
end if;
end Parent.Child;
但这只会导致 GNAT 错误:
premature usage of incomplete type "T"
因为Parent.T不完整。这里的目的是创建一个可以与不完整类型一起使用的自动内存管理框架,因此父包提供大部分功能,而子包可以稍后实例化并添加需要完整类型信息的功能(如 construction/deallocation).然后你可以做这样的声明:
type Test is tagged;
package B is new Parent(Test);
type Test is new Base with record
Thing : Parent.Instance;
end record;
package M is new B.Child(Test);
------------------------ Base Package ----------------------------
package Base is
type Instance is tagged limited null record;
end Base;
----------------------- Parent Package ---------------------------
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
type T_Access is access T;
type Instance is tagged record
Thing : T_Access := null;
end record;
end Parent;
------------------------ Child Package ---------------------------
with Base;
type T(<>) is new Base.Instance with private;
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body Parent.Child is
-- Used later in code not shown, but needed
-- and requires Child.T to be complete.
procedure Finalize is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Object => T,
Name => T_Access);
function To_Parent is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => Child.T_Access,
Target => Parent.T_Access);
-- This is where things get IFFY. I do unchecked conversions here.
-- If Parent.T is not equal to Parent.Child.T, then this can go bad
-- really fast. If there was a way to verify the types were the same,
-- then I could safely do this. Or if there was a way for me to
-- verify that Parent.Child.T was a descendant of Parent.T, then
-- I could just convert them without unchecked_conversion.
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance is
(Thing => To_Parent(Ref));
end Parent.Child;
---------------------------- Main -------------------------------
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Base;
with Parent;
with Parent.Child;
procedure Main is
type Test is tagged;
package P is new Parent(Test);
type Test is new Base.Instance with record
Thing : P.Instance;
end record;
package PC is new P.Child(Test);
Thing : P.Instance := PC.Make(new Test);
end Main;
此答案的先前版本忽略了 Jere 需要它为 formal incomplete types, which were introduced with AI05-0213 工作的事实。
该 AI 的一个(主要?)用例是在某些情况下更容易创建签名包(参见 Ada 2012 Rationale, section 4.3)。所以,这是一个使用签名包的产品——不知道它是否满足所需的用例。
type T is tagged;
package Signature is
end Signature;
with Signature;
type T is tagged private;
with package Sig is new Signature (T);
package Parent is
subtype Parent_T is T;
Instance : T;
end Parent;
type T is new Parent.Parent_T with private;
with package Sig is new Signature (T);
package Parent.Child is
end Parent.Child;
with Signature;
with Parent.Child;
package User is
type Base is tagged null record;
procedure Proc (Param : Base);
package Sig_For_Parent is new Signature (T => Base);
package For_Parent is new Parent (T => Base, Sig => Sig_For_Parent);
-- this is OK
type Extension is new Base with null record;
procedure Proc (Param : Extension);
package Sig_For_Child is new Signature (T => Extension);
package For_Child
is new For_Parent.Child (T => Extension, Sig => Sig_For_Child);
-- this fails
type Wrong is tagged null record; -- not in Base'Class
package Sig_For_Wrong is new Signature (T => Wrong);
package For_Wrong
is new For_Parent.Child (T => Wrong, Sig => Sig_For_Wrong);
end User;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body User is
procedure Proc (Param : Base) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Base_P's Proc called.");
end Proc;
procedure Proc (Param : Extension) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Extension_P's Proc called.");
end Proc;
end User;
with User;
procedure Test is
Var : User.Extension;
end Test;
在 Rationale chapter 的末尾,行
(If this is all too confusing, do not worry, the compiler will moan at you if you make a mistake.)
确实如此。我在玩弄这段代码时发现,它并不能很好地告诉你 是什么错误 .
type T(<>) is tagged;
package Foo is
end Foo;
with Foo;
type T(<>) is tagged private;
with package Foo_Instance is new Foo(T); --package parameter
package Bar is
end Bar;
with Foo;
with Bar;
package Baz is
type Base is tagged;
package Base_Foo is new Foo(Base);
type Base is tagged null record;
package Base_Bar is new Bar(Base, Base_Foo);
type Extension is new Base with null record;
package Extension_Bar is new Bar(Extension, Base_Foo); -- fails!
end Baz;
所以我从 Simon Wright 的回答中得到了一些灵感,其中包括一个签名包。这本身还不够,但它是最终解决方案的必要组成部分。基本上,由于 Ada 不提供验证两个通用形式类型是否相同的方法,我使用一个单独的包在 运行 时间通过为给定类型生成一个唯一 ID 来提供该功能,将该包传递给Parent 和 Parent.Child 包,并在 Parent.Child 主体内,验证包的两个实例是否具有相同的 ID(因此是相同的包)。下面提供了一个示例:
package Type_ID is
type ID is limited private;
function "="(L,R : ID) return Boolean;
type Item_Type(<>);
package Unique_ID is
function Get_ID return ID;
end Unique_ID;
-- Implement ID however you wish, just needs to be a unique ID for
-- each package instantiation
end Type_ID;
with Type_ID;
with package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(<>);
package Parent is
type Instance is tagged private;
-- private stuff
end Parent;
并且 Parent.Child 包规范已更新为:
with Base;
type T(<>) is new Base.Instance with private;
with package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(T);
package Parent.Child is
type T_Access is access T;
function Make(Ref : not null T_Access) return Parent.Instance;
end Parent.Child;
最后是验证类型相同的部分。由于 Parent 和 Parent.Child 都采用 Type_ID.Unique_ID(<>) 的实例,我们只需要通过比较包内 Get_ID 函数的输出来确保它们是相同的实例Parent.Child 的正文:
package body Parent.Child is
-- Other implementation stuff
use all type Type_ID.ID;
if Parent.ID.Get_ID /= Parent.Child.ID.Get_ID then
raise Program_Error with "Invalid type passed to child package";
end if;
end Parent.Child;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Type_ID;
with Base;
with Parent;
with Parent.Child;
procedure Main is
type Test is tagged;
package ID is new Type_ID.Unique_ID(Test);
package P is new Parent(ID);
type Test is new Base.Instance with record
Thing : P.Instance;
end record;
package PC is new P.Child(Test,ID);
Thing : P.Instance := PC.Make(new Test);
end Main;
is there a way in a child package to ensure a type passed into the child as a generic formal is the same type as (or even a descendant of) Parent.T?
Type Parent(<>) is tagged private;
Package Example is
End Example;
Type Descendant(<>) is new Parent with private;
Package Example.Child is
End Example.Child;