在 do while 循环中调用 scanf 会打破循环

calling scanf inside do while loop is breaking the loop

我有一个 do while 循环。当我 运行 它没有 scanf() 时,它 运行 正确。但是如果我输入 scanf() 中断 循环!为什么???


With scanf()

void main(){
    int num = prng() % 100, guessed, guesses = 0;
    bool  win = false;
    printf("The Game Begins. You Have To Guess A Number\n");
    do{ //A do while loop untill the user guesses the correct number
        printf("Guess a number\n");
        scanf("%d", guessed);
    }while (!check(guessed, num));
    printf("Yayy!!! You won the game in %d guesses!!", guesses); //Message after guessing the correct number


> .\a.exe
The Game Begins. You Have To Guess A Number
Guess a number

But when I run it without the scanf()

void main(){
    int num = prng() % 100, guessed, guesses = 0;
    bool  win = false;
    printf("The Game Begins. You Have To Guess A Number\n");
    do{ //A do while loop untill the user guesses the correct number
        printf("Guess a number\n");
        guessed = num;
        // scanf("%d", guessed);
    }while (!check(guessed, num));
    printf("Yayy!!! You won the game in %d guesses!!", guesses); //Message after guessing the correct number


> .\a.exe
The Game Begins. You Have To Guess A Number
Guess a number
Hurrayyy!!!! You got the number!!!!!!!!!Yayy!!! You won the game in 1 guesses!!


您需要在 scanf 函数中的 guessed 变量前面添加 &

scanf("%d", &guessed);

可以查看 scanf 工作原理的解释 here