
How do I test synchronous code called before an async Task method?

我正在尝试测试一个 async Task 方法,该方法在调用单独的 async Task 方法之前和之后调用同步代码。同步代码更新一个加载状态枚举,它告诉视图层要显示什么(例如加载时的加载微调器,抛出异常时的错误消息等)。请注意,为了简洁起见,我在此示例中省略了 属性 更改事件。

namespace Models
    public class DataRepository
        private readonly IDataService dataService;

        public DataRepository(IDataService dataService)
            this.dataService = dataService;

        public LoadingState LoadingState { get; set; }

        public async Task Refresh()
            // Synchronous code to notify view to show loading state
            this.LoadingState = LoadingState.Busy;

                await this.dataService.LoadData();

                // Synchronous code to notify view to show done state
                this.LoadingState = LoadingState.Done;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Synchronous code to notify view to show error state
                this.LoadingState = LoadingState.Error;

    // This is in a separate class in the actual code. Including here for context.
    public enum LoadingState

我正在使用 NSubstitute to mock IDataService, XUnit to run the tests, and Fluent Assertions 断言。我可以在以下情况下测试加载状态值:

  1. LoadData() 方法成功完成时:
public async void Refresh_Success_ExpectLoadingStateDone()
    var mockDataService = Substitute.For<IDataService>();
    var dataRepository = new DataRepository(mockDataService);

    await dataRepository.Refresh();

  1. LoadData()方法抛出异常时:
public async void Refresh_ThrowsException_ExpectLoadingStateError()
    var mockDataService = Substitute.For<IDataService>();
    var dataRepository = new DataRepository(mockDataService);

    await dataRepository.Refresh();



public async void Refresh_InitialState_ExpectLoadingStateBusy()
    var mockDataService = Substitute.For<IDataService>();
    var dataRepository = new DataRepository(mockDataService);

    await dataRepository.Refresh();

    // This test fails because the loading state is set to "Done" at this point.

如何为初始加载状态编写测试?有没有办法暂停对 LoadData() 的调用,以便我可以断言初始加载状态?

您可以将 LoadData 模拟为 return 由您管理的任务,当您这样说时它就会完成。然后,不要 await Refresh 因为对于这个测试你不需要 Refresh 来完成,你想要检查正在进行的状态。然后在您调用 Refresh(没有 await)后,LoadData 将进行,您可以验证状态为 Busy。然后完成 LoadData 并等待 Refresh 完成以完成测试。例如:

var mockDataService = Substitute.For<IDataService>();
// this will represent our LoadData in progress
// it won't complete until we tell it
var inProgressTask = new TaskCompletionSource();
// mock LoadData to return this task
var dataRepository = new DataRepository(mockDataService);
// now, execute Refresh but do not await it yet
var pendingRefresh = dataRepository.Refresh();
// assert that state is Busy at this point, as it should be
var state = dataRepository.LoadingState; // Busy
// signal LoadData to complete
// await Refresh
await pendingRefresh;